
Responses from anne_audiophile

Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help
michael fremer from stereophile recommends the Expert Stylus Co. address: PO BOX 3, ASHEAD, SURREY KT21 2QD, ENGLAND, UK. TEL: (44)(0)1372-276604. FAX: (44)(0)1372-276147.apparently this company can rebuild MC cartridges at a fraction of typical f... 
Best speaker for medium to low power tube amps??
the guarneris are lovely...warm,open,transparent and non-fatiguing sound with excellent midrange. they won't give you deep bass though. they sound great with tubes amps like ARC,Graaf etc. they are not that difficult to drive ...about 87db althoug... 
Warm, smooth cd with good bass under 1700 used ok
i have the latest audio analogue maestro cd player. warm, detailed and non digititis-inducing has balanced outputs as well. it is much better than the older maestro. i prefer it to the well-regarded marantz scd-14 and the meridian 
Closet audiophiles
yes guys....i have plenty of room in my closet,especially after getting rid of all my clothes,shoes etc..getting my priorities right eh?!! 
Closet audiophiles
i choose my moment carefully as to when i emerge from the safety of my closet. and when i do, i try to be as diplomatic as possible but i am sure i will be lambasted at some point in future for voicing my opinions. but i still have faith in the go... 
plinius vs perreaux integrateds
i was wondering about the same thing myself although i was comparing the separate pre and power amps. yes, perreaux uses mosfet. i arived at the same conclusions as sean and redkiwi. i found john ransley at Totally Wired ( NEW Zealand ) very helpf... 
matching a pair of speakers to my equipment
i've heard krell integrated amp being matched with sonus faber speakers,eg concerto and they sounded good. i suppose you would get a better deal buying american made speakers. good luck! 
amplifier hum
perhaps you should try isolating the problem systematically, beginning with the power amp. if you have another power amp handy, trying plugging it into your system and see. i had similar problems with my ARC gear...turned out to be an op-amp probl... 
Gryphon Callisto 2200
i was thinking of getting the callisto at one stage given its rave reviews in germany and australia. it is apparently better than the tabu integrated amp with more power and control. if you don't need the phono stage,consider the smaller and cheap... 
Warmest? BAT VK200, Classe CA200, Mccormack .5
go for tube amps if you can as they will give more ''body'' to the martin-logans. or a tube pre with a solid state power amp.good luck ! 
Is Audio Research Corp alive and well?
yep...i've figured it out now. the situation is as Kiwi has described. the distributor/dealer must have been uncooperative as i did not buy the ARC amps from him. thanks guys! 
Is Audio Research Corp alive and well?
thanks for the reassurance.