
Responses from andrewboettcher

Primare I30 vs Krell KAV 400xi
Is this an endorsement of the Primareor more so an indictment of the Krell?Not sureAB 
Integrated amp to pair with Spendor S8e
I chatted with Gene online Thur. and his recommendation was LFD or higher end Naim. I did not talk about, nor did he mention, any tube gear.Andy 
Integrated amp to pair with Spendor S8e
Thanks Bongofury,The LFD has been suggested several times now, As have some tube/ss hybrids such as Pathos, Cayin, Unico.Appreciate the feedback. 
Integrated amp to pair with Spendor S8e
which have you used with the Spendors? 
Acoustic Zen Adagio vs Devore Gibbon Super 8
Tube amp friend, Verity Tamino works best with ss amps.thanks though