

Responses from andera

I need advice for power cords
Congrats on your success Zardo... HAPPY listening! : ) 
I need advice for power cords
Just a thought. You don't have to do them all at once. I started off purchasing  one power cord... priced around $300. Later I purchased one for $600. WAY better. Now with new better cord on Source... place other one down stream. I purchased anoth... 
to fb or not to fb... that is the ?
Thanks tparrYes, the club is doing great! 71  members and growing : ) everyone getting along and getting involved. There's lot's of people requesting membership. And there's a weeding out process in place to avoid trolls. And yes... those kinds of... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Hey folks, I was msging a guy to see if he was going to go ahead with the Total Contact on his system. He said he was worried about getting the stuff in his expensive XLR intercons pin sockets... actually... how to later get it out. Any thoughts o... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Apparently Frank is nutz... and is a pasteaholic : )  so when I was pasting my CD player power supply fuse and IEC, I thought that it's finally time to pull the cover off and see what's inside. So while inside, I thought of Frank pasting everythin... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Total Contact arrived!So, I have cd player w external power supply, pre-amp with external power supply, line conditioner, and amp. That's a lot of fuses, cables and cords.To start, I only applied Total Contact to the CD external PS... fuse, male I... 
to fb or not to fb... that is the ?
mountz Speakers are Focal... you can see the logo at the bottom of the speakers. Focal - Kanta https://www.google.com/search?q=focal+speakers&client=firefox-b-d&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=... 
to fb or not to fb... that is the ?
Thanks jafreeman... will check out "Fans of Audio Research"  : ) 
to fb or not to fb... that is the ?
Thanks for the laugh tablejockey... too funny. Oh, I forgot to mention... that it is a closed group... people request to join. This hopefully keeps the Nay sayers and trolls out : ) 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
spenav Sorry... no PMI also clicked on your name to send you a message... but not seeing "Contact this person" option. WTF : ( 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I'm interested in trying the Total Contact Graphene. Anyone interest on going in on the two pack graphene sale and save some money? 2 pack Total Contact: Reg.$600. Only $449.https://perfectpathtechnologies.com/product/2-pack-bundles  
Blown away with 2 speakers hifi sound!
It's great doing something upstream, or adjusting speaker position, or taking care of room acoustics and have our system sound so much better.An audiophile friend told me many years ago... "the speakers just produces the sound of the signal that t... 
Dynaudio burn in time and how you do it...
This person asked for advice for a valid situation. Obviously those of us have experienced this and are giving suggestions. Why is it that in EVERY audio forum out there... non beleivers/experiencers have to BAD mouth and invalidate those that hav... 
Seeking help finding the weak link(s) in my system and offering suggestions please.
You're most welcome.That's fantastic... good to hear. Yes... it's not that fun to do... but after a person goes through the process, and can understand and hear proper placement... you can listen to any system and tell if the speakers are set u... 
Seeking help finding the weak link(s) in my system and offering suggestions please.
Hey GRM... lots of great suggestions here. I'm curious if you have a clear direction to pursue. Curious to know what changes you make... the results... and if the results are enough that you are content.My System sounded incredible... but I could ...