
Responses from analogtroll

Shunyata V Ray
At this point there is no way I can improve my system by 100%. That being said, the system is more quiet and the sound stage more defined. I guess there is 20 to 25 % improvemet in those areas. With the law of diminishing returns, I think that's p... 
Shunyata V Ray
I already upgraded from the HYDRA 8. After 2 weeks I feel my system's noise floor has again been lowered and the bass is tighter. Imaging is also more focused. It basically took what the HYDRA 8 was doing to the next level. 
Best cables to use for Pass Labs equip
I haven't seen any for sale second hand but you can get them for Blackbird Audio. Dan Muiquiz is a great guy and is very helpful. (619)449-2866, 
b.a.t. amps?
I think the most important thing when mixing companies is that your pre-amp output impedance is low and your amp input impedance is high enough to get the most out of that amp 
b.a.t. amps?
I am sorting through the same issue. I have a cj pre amp and B.A.T. amps. I am running a Vk51SE in my system at the momment. I have to say that the amps are more alive. There seems to be more transient snap and the notes are sharper. I am not sure... 
Best cables to use for Pass Labs equip
I had the same experience as Tubes108. The Basis cables are "Jaw Dropping". 
I heard the REX at our local dealer. First impression, the midrange is better and the the music is very open and transperant compared to the VK51SE. The pace and rhythm seems to be right on. I just enjoyed the music. 
Phono Stage Question
I concur with what you heard about the Heed Audio Quasar. I have a friend that runs Blackbird Audio and he uses it with his Basis Turntable. Hands down the best SS unit I have Heard under 2500.00. At CES the distributor used it with his ref. table... 
Are you at this point??
I think the real issue is that you start chasing nuances and subtle changes. 
Are you at this point??
Satisfaction, that's a very interesting concept. I find I am always chasing a weak link of some sort. I do agree that the music is just part of the beauty of this hobby. I really enjoy listening to new and unknown equipment and chasing vinyl. I th... 
On Rel subs: Which are most musical?
Pedrillo, I went with the smallest of the Britannia series (B3) and I upgraded the power cord. these subs have alot of options and put out fast tuneful bass. Hope this helps. 
Personal amp evolution
My list is not nearly as impressive. I do feel I have ended up with a winner.Musical Fidelity 3.2CRVAC Avitar SESonic Euphoria PLC 
Can a monitor sound like a floorstander??
I thought the question was can a monitor sound like a floorstander, not an extreme LF floorstander. You can get some very deep bass with the Gamut speakers. 
Can a monitor sound like a floorstander??
Have you listened to the GamuT L3? I found it to be an amazing speaker that can handle anything you throw at it.