
Responses from amuseb

Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
BTW, I asked Tommy about the damping materials and shutting the bass ports, he said: "all the things you are thinking of doing is against the whole idea of the Eufrodites way of working". 
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
Yeah Tom, I figured you had something to offer in this domain.Where can I see some more details of it?Thanks. 
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
Listening along, I find that the stuffing of the ports also takes some good qualities away.The music is less dynamic, the loss of bass is also making it be missed across the spectrum, overall the sound is more itchy and less musical.Of course this... 
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
I've stuffed into the ports a couple of polyester pillows I have here under hand.So far the impressions are that the more stuffed, the better it is for the bass control.With this understanding, Duke, would you have any fine tuning to make on your ... 
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
Tom, you reckon right, neither Kentucky nor Louisville is where base is.Can you educate my layman self on what the mechanical grounding elements are?Regards from the city of lights. 
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
Hi,So further positioning trials have somewhat improved the boominess.And then, following Duke's post, I stuffed towels into the woofers' ports and I think this is making an important contribution to the battle!For sure, right now, I can listen to... 
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
Hi,So I've been moving the speakers in, out, more toe, less toe, slanted forward, etc, etc.But the boominess is there all the time.Very clearly the issue comes from the left side of the room. I'm not sure why. There's a glass door there leading to... 
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
Thanks a lot Assad.On a business trip this week, will do some trials when back home and report the outcome.Charles1dad, regarding professional consultants, mmmm, if I knew one that wouldn't take me to bankruptcy and for little result (like many ti... 
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass
Thanks Charles1dad,Yap, that possibility of course has crossed my mind.My room is about 5.5X7.5X3.0 meters.Speakers are about 3m apart, 60 cms from the back wall and my listening spot is about 3 meters out.I can also say that in the listening spot... 
Variable volume CD Players
Thanks for your inputs. 
Krell KSA 250 – rustling on one channel
Hi, sorry guys, didn't check in for sometime now.First of all, the unit was shipped to Holland to the carying hands of Marcel Croese who found several issues on the left channel that needed repair.He then fixed it and sent it back to me.Unit is lo... 
Ticking noise in Audio Research Reference CD7
hello Rugyboogie,The transport was fixed. For future reference, the COTS transport isn't a plug and play in the ARC gear. The PCB plugs are modified by ARC.The CD7 after the 5881 mod is better and even much (much) better when using a 6550 instead,... 
Volume level of ARC Ref 5 seems very high
Hello,First of all, I need both RCA and XLR as I have two setups which I alternate, one with the Jadis monos and either Ref5 or Karan KAL Ref MKII preamps, this setup is fully balanced, and one with the Sati 520b, which only takes RCA.Both setups ... 
Volume level of ARC Ref 5 seems very high
Hello, Rothwells have arrived yesterday here too. One pair RCA and one XLR.I'll report soon on my impressions.Have a good weekend. 
Volume level of ARC Ref 5 seems very high
Thanks doggie, what do you mean by "tactile feedback"?I have the Livelines on trial here now... visited the lovely and lively Mr. Tchang a couple of weeks ago. Good stuff.