
Responses from amir_asr

Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
@jerryg123  @cleeds @ghdprentice @kota1 you all nailed it and are calling a spade a ♠️. I have never been on the ASR site but have seen the musings of Amir’s followers, and that told me enough. Watched on YouTube video of Amir’s and that was en... 
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
@kota1  @amir_asr indeed, all the stuff you posted about Audyssey is for the consumer version with the $20 paid app. The version I use has a different license (around $200), a calibrated microphone with a serial number that gets linked to that l... 
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
@kota1 I think he is just jealous of my "nodes" :) Once again, you have no idea of how your room measures. You post this:   This is the output of Audyssey Pro. You made no measurements of your own so have no idea what this represents ... 
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
@kota1  @ghdprentice , he doesn’t have the goods, he is deceptive because he has to be, if he had the goods he would post them. He wrote a full page boasting about his creds and not even one mention of his own gear? My system and link to it in... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
Here is a video to watch if you don't believe in being fooled:    
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@fleschler  That he is a fool too?  Folks used to think you caught a cold because the air was cold.  This didn't make them a fool.  They just didn't know that it was caused by a virus.  Every bone in their body thought it was the cold weather ... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@fleschler  After replacing all six power cables, he admits that scientifically it is unexplainable but the difference exists.  Science trivially explains that.  You mad a change, he listened more carefully and now he "heard" more detail, air,... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@kota1  Can we get this game on, will you post your system profile, stop with the hot air already??? Are you trying to avoid discussing yours???    
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@kota1  system/FR measurement throw down- Audiogon Forum 1- ASR 0 I don't know why you keep giving  yourself score of 1.  You have not post any measurements of your room as it sits now.  What you have in your profile is a fantasy.  It is NOT ... 
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
@kota1  I think he is just jealous of my "nodes" :) You have no idea of your "nodes."  You are not understanding what Audyssey Pro software is showing you. It is not remotely what you think it is.  You are completely in the dark right now with... 
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
@ghdprentice  I have no idea what you gain from your deceptive site and posts. I like charts, but they must explain things that are not easily explained otherwise. But you are adding no value for folks that are attempting to build great sounding... 
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
@kota1  @amir_asr , I walked the walk, my "nodes" are fine as you can see in my profile. As for yours, IDK what you are teaching but apparently you still have a lot to learn. In your profile?  You mean this?   If so, you have so much t... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@jerryg123  I also know you are not an EE all you are is some guy with some software (that a member had to teach you how to use) and then you banished him from ASR.   My background is an open book.  It is linked to every post on ASR for... 
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
You state "audiophiles" can learn to treat room modes. Does that include you??? I did my learning many years back.  I now I teach others. Suggest picking up a copy of Dr. Toole's book if you really want to learn the topic. Otherwise, please don... 
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
@amir_asr  OK, so please share the measurements of YOUR room so we can all benefit from how you address sound reproduction. This is not a thread about my room.  Or any room for that matter.  It is about audio gear specs/measurements.  You seem...