
Responses from alonski

VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Gentlemen, I promised to follow up on my progress, so here's an update on the new twist in the road, SUTs. Thanks again to Jfrech for suggesting this alternative to an outboard Phono Stage.Here's a letter I sent to Bob, of Bob's Devices, that will... 
Best kt88 for VAC Avatar Super
Hey Maineiac,I took your advice and today we're holding a bake sale for the Fee Phi Fo Fund (don't blame me, you gave me the idea!) raising money for another VAC Phi 200. Let's see, $10,000 divided by 50 cents... that's only twenty thousand Browni... 
Best kt88 for VAC Avatar Super
Gentlemen,Here are my observations from the front lines of the battle of the tubes... The four low level 6SN7s in my VAC Phi 200 needed replacement, so as an experiment, I rolled new issue Tung-Sols and burned them in for at least sixty hours. The... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Jfrech, I've got you to thank for opening this can of new possibilities... I just read the Art Dudley piece on the EAR MC4 and now I've got to hear it in my system. If it matches my cart and system well and can beat the VAC built in MC, I'd say it... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
OK, I'm intrigued. I took Jfrech's advice and did some research on SUTs. I read about the EAR, Audionote, Ortofon, Bob's Devices, and K&K. This is a whole new animal. There's some intimation that SUTs work best with tube MM phono stages, which... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Bill, No worries, your post was very helpful to me, even if I extrapolated your explanation a bit beyond your intention. Of course, a 5-figure phono stage could very well be better, but it would still need a line stage, volume control etc. for it ... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
I vote that we honor Bill (Wrm57) with an Audiophile Eloquence Award for perfectly and concisely describing what we all love about our VAC gear. It just doesn't get better than "illuminating music from within." I'm going to send that over to Kevin... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Bill, I believe you and others who have experienced the same, even Jeff I think it was, who reviewed the Steelhead for 6 Moons and said the same: going direct did not sound as good! I don't understand how can the VAC pre being in the signal path s... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
ERRATA:I was mistaken, the Steelhead remote only adjusts volume, not cartridge loading. Damn. Instantly A/B-ing different setting options from my sweet spot with my eyes closed would have been so useful. 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Podeschi, et al,I had a thought... and naturally, it throws another wrench into the works. Here goes:What if I find a phono pre that is significantly better than the one built-in to my wonderful VAC pre (which seems possible from all the great fee... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Podeschi,I agree about the VAC line stage being amazing. I found your impressions of the phono stage helpful, especially the price point references, which align with the units I've chosen to compare to VAC's built in stage. I think I'm on the righ... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Mulveling and Swampwalker,Thank you both for sharing your experiences and impressions.So many cartridge loading possibilities and tweaks... and, of course, all the sincere recommendations we get from fellow audiophiles are great but will ultimatel... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Bill, I've read a lot on the Miyajima and have been looking forward to hearing it somewhere... I'm a big fan of tiny well-shaped styli that track the grooves at a much deeper level than most and extract information from LPs very familiar to us tha... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Bill,You are certainly inspiring, but I think I'll hold off on contacting Mr. Percy... that sounds dangerous!I am very fussy about cartridges. The Ortofon Cadenza Bronze thoroughly exceeded my expectations and compels me to say that it does not be... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Clio,Thanks for your impressions on the Fosgate and the Hagerman Trumpet. I believe I'm leaning toward the Zesto because it's the only one I have heard. I love its rich, full-bodied and warm presentation with a surprising ability to find low level...