

Responses from alfa100

Thank you Jon2020 
80 hours and sounding great.sounds like it is 100% done.wonder if it can get better.btw the MSB Analog and UMT V transport is wonderful.detail, transparency, timber,etc etc etc and no harshness. 
thank you all.I was a little anxious but settling with now that the kit is breaking and sounding better after 30 hours.I am certain 200 hours will do . 
wadia 521 vs MSB Analog DAC
Thank you Igatorwill the MSB analog DAC with MSB universal media transport plus sound better than the best Wadia on red book CDS 
wadia 521 vs MSB Analog DAC
THANK YOU Zd542I do not have clocklink as the Wadia 521 does not havethe capability. it does not have clocklink. 
Wilson Audio Sasha break-in time ?
Does anybody know whether Sasha is sharp on s sounds as in spitting accentuated s sound and whether this improves with time. 
Speakers that turn your analytical mind off?
I apologise for not answering your question in my previoius post.I find that the Wilson Audio switches my analytical mind off almost completely. I am drawn into the music. 
Speakers that turn your analytical mind off?
I find that if the speakers are excellent I do not analyse as much and enjoy the music.if the speakers are mediocre I don't analyse at all.its when I expect more like if paid too much I analyse a lot ,drive myself crazy and cannot enjoy the music 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I wondsr why Wadia has not produced a reference DAC for highrez like that from Emm Labs etc.i prefer the Wadia sound and wonder whether i should upgrade to another brand or wait. i use red book cds and might venture into computer audio when i am c... 
Review: Wadia S7i ( an extreme upgrade ) CD Player
lovely review of S7i.why did you not try the Pass Labs XA 100.5 if you needed more power? 
Review: Pass Labs XA100.5 Amplifier
Thanks Peterayer. I cannot demo the XA 100.5 . I need to rely on excellent reviews like yours and my experience with the exceptional XA30.5 .Best wishes . 
Review: Pass Labs XA100.5 Amplifier
i read on pettyfeversk thread that you changed to XA160.5 as the XA 100.5 did not have enough power to drive your speakers.i have the XA 30.5 and considering XA100.5 as i feel my speakers, Audio Physic Scorpio II, could do better. 4ohms 91dB sensi... 
Pass XA.60.5 Monoblocks to Pass XA.100.5 Monoblock
Thank yoy Pettyfeversk,just the info i need. I have the XA30.5 and considering the XA60.5 or 100.5. I extract a lot of juice and the needle swings 70% across often. I do not want to lose the sweetness of the XA30.5. Your notes help indeed.I am run... 
pass labs xa30 to valve amplifier.
i have tried the Audio research Ref 5 preamp with my XA30.5. i used balanced input from my Wadia and balanced output. i found no impedance mismatch.i suggest you try the Audio research REF 3. you might like it. 
which power cable for Pass Labs XA30.5
I now have Transparent Audio REference powerlink.neutral. dynamic. lifts the stage . better high frequency extension. bass cleaned up.all in comparison to stockpower cable.