
Discussions alexthe has started

tone arm wire modification mayware 4, on lenco7522980
panasonic DRM-E85H " please wait " stuck .23830
Left on DVD Too long ? sad mistake ?475617
Should I use Myrtlewood blocks under my Lenco 75 ?34866
Does anyone own a pair of audioengine a2's ?32305
the best sm/ powered speaker or is it better to...31533
The''best'' used mini speakers Polk...Bose..??439810
Is the nicest television a computer ?34119
Nikko NR-1000 to TV , what speakers ?30450
speaker's for a 6 year old JVC D50030185
Shahinian , Arc v Obelisk63842
cantilever collapsed on Shure V-15 III37087
a record cleaning device and proper method451314
ortofon VMS 20E and other carts26851
Awaiting my Mayware F4 MKll , from england33184