Responses from alexberger
New Vinyl Jazz and Classical Reissues | |
Classical Vinyl Series | |
Classical Vinyl Series | |
Aric Audio Super 2A3 owners - favorite tubes? Hi @dekay You are right. I read about this tube on the EML site. Yes it is designed to work in 2a3 amplifiers. It is more like 2a3, just more powerful. | |
Aric Audio Super 2A3 owners - favorite tubes? 300b won't work at it best in 2a3 amplifier. Different, 1. Load resistance 2.5k , need 3.5k 2. Different self bias resistance value. 3. Different plate voltage. 4. Need more voltage swing for driver tubes. | |
Aric Audio Super 2A3 owners - favorite tubes? Linlai 6sn7 are great. I also have and used Ken Rad vt231 black glas. I liked them a lot. But Linlai are even better. I also like Linlai 5u4g. They are affordable and really good, comparable to vintage Ken Rad and Brimar 5u4g. I didn't have EML... | |
Gustard R26 ladder DAC sound signature - comments? How is Gustard R26 compared to Gustard A26? | |
40+ watts SET, cost is not a problem EAR509 amplifier is a good amplifier but it sounds completely different compared to any SET amplifier. It has a number of feedbacks and is designed and sounds more like a transistor amplifier. It is also completely balanced from input to output. ... | |
New, Very Interesting CD Transport Hi @creativepart , Can you write more of your impressions about Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE? I use the Chord Quetest DAC. And I'm planning to upgrade it in future. | |
300b lovers Hi @lynn_olson I use EAR834p schematics in my current DIY phonostage. The second ecc83 miller capacity for RIAA equalization. It is also using small capacitors in the RIAA equalizer. So I use air capacitors in this RIAA. I also use the LCL... | |
300b lovers Hi @atmasphere , I have balanced connection from the cartridge to SUT. But from SUT to phonostage it is SE connection. In my next phonostage project, I plane to put SUT close to the first tube inside the phonostage. But I think to make balanced ... | |
300b lovers Hi @atmasphere , If you run EQ via feedback, you run into the same problem that Norman Crowhurst wrote about nearly 70 years ago. Which problem? Can you explain? I saw Cintation 1 schematics. It is difficult to understand capacitors values an... | |
300b lovers Hi @donsachs , Thank you for good words and help. My next project will be a phonostage. I have a DIY phonostage I built in 2011 based on EAR834p schematics. In my phonostage I used better parts (air capacitors) and power supply (with LCLC power ... | |
300b lovers Hi @lynn_olson The driver tubes are 6f6 in thriode mode. 6f6 are Torvac brand (probably made by Mulard). | |
300b lovers Thank you @lynn_olson @donsachs @atmasphere for your advice and answers to my question that helped me to build the 300B SET amplifier. The amplifier sounds realy good - fast, transparent with d... |