
Responses from alexberger

JAM by Duelund
I instaled Duelund Cu-Sn bypass capacitors into my phonostege, bypassing Jupiter 1uF output capacitors. Before that I did 3 days burn-in of Duelund Cu-Sn bypass capacitors in FryBaby2,Yes I got what I expected. Vivid guitar and piano strings and m... 
Suggestions for Full Range Speakers up to 10K
Spendor D7 and D9 with this new LPZ tweeters are crap.They sound totally different compared to Spendor Classic series (2/3, 1/2, sp100). 
JAM by Duelund
I have Bypass Tinned Copper.They sound very tonal reach, vivid and musical.I never tried Bypass Silver. But most of people like them a lot.According Jeff:" Now comparing the 0.01uF caps in context: The Sn-Cu... 
JAM by Duelund
Hi Pumpweel,I don't have experience with Jupiter in crossovers.But I have experience with Jupiter Cu in electronics and with Duelund Cu-Sn Bypass in crossovers.It is just my IMHO.If you like sound of your system with Audyn True Copper Max, you can... 
JAM by Duelund
I use Jupiter capacitor in phonostage built by EAR 834p schematics (with some upgrades).The first pair (left and right channel) of Jupiter capacitors  I use between 1st and 2nd stages. The second pair I use between 3rd stage and output. 
JAM by Duelund
After adding the second pair of Jupiter Cu into my phonostage output, sound became more smooth and transparent by too polite and a little boring.So, I decided I have to add more bite, more hot pepper to the sound of my phonostage.I just ordered Du... 
JAM by Duelund
Hi Eric,Actually you can to try Duelund 16 AVG Cu-Sn wire for hook-up inside your speakers and as a speakers cable. In my system it works very good as speakers cable. 
JAM by Duelund
Hi Eric,I ansfered a number of questions in other discutions, for example, about Duelund wires but nobody answered me...Regards,Alex. 
JAM by Duelund
Hi Grannyring,Thank you for advice. You are single person on Audiogon who answered my questions. Sorry. My English is not perfect. But I'm a new comer in Canada and English is my 4th language. Audio is my hobby during last 20 years. Jupiter capaci... 
JAM by Duelund
Hi Grannyring, What values of Jupiter capacitors did you bypass with Duelund bypass capacitors?Does it work well with 0.1uF Jupiter?Regards,Alex. 
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
So why the prices for vintage equipment like: McIntosh, Marantz, Garrard, EMT, WE, Klangfilm... is not getting cheaper?The reason the most of Hi-End equipment is hugely overpraised.  
JAM by Duelund
Hi Grannyring, Did you try to use Duelund bypass capacitors for bypassing powers supply capacitors in electronic (amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, phono-stages)?Regards,Alex. 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Lenco L70, L75, L78Nothing can compete with Lenco in this price range.I hate belt drives. They destroy a PRaT the entity of music. 
JAM by Duelund
Hi Grannyring,How does change sound of Jupiter Copper after 100 hours?Is it become quieter, warmer, smoother, more open, more dynamic?What kind changes of sound does make Duelund silver bypass?Did you try Duelund Cu-Sn bypass?Regards,Alex 
JAM by Duelund
FryBaby2 is not to expensive. It costed me less than a pair of 1uF Jupiter Cu.