

Responses from akiravelvet

Bluesound vs SOtM
sotm can be finicky where the node will be very simple in using. the node has its own interface to use where sotm is only a bridge to other interfaces. I have both and the node is my backup if im having trouble with the sotm. You will want a Mac m... 
I’m gob smacked. What were you’re aha moments?
Listening to Chet baker self titled out of Devore Orangutans 0/93and audio research gear 
Why don't we make a list of best pressings ?
Mental, which sites list this type of info? I'm interested  
Opinions on Dacs...
Check out borderpatrol   
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Bell witch’s new album.and my go to live album:alice in chains unplugged 
Preamp for a Line Magnetic i518?
Freesole, I I will let you know about the LM 518 and ps audio bhk combo in a a week or so. I just got the LM and am letting it settle in without adding the pre for a minute  
Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?
What about lampizator? Any ideas?