Responses from akg_ca
Totem Arro vs Silverline Prelude vs Salk Songtower Not to be a naysayer because I do like the Arros; HOWEVER.... did you actually audition the Totem Arros with the Peachtree Nova amp, or did you hear them hooked up to other kit?Why do I ask? There is a plethora of posts on Audiogon about Totem spe... | |
Best In Wall for 2.1 setup? Martin Logan Passage | |
Ultimate Cables no more? Manitunc:I have any or all of four of his power cables available to sell to you if you are interested. I'm in Toronto.I bought them directly from UC about 2 years ago: used three are the "standard" 1 meter length in my "B" syaytem just sold; and o... | |
Your ONE all time favorite love song? Never my love ......The Association2nd most air played tune of all time | |
rega osiris vs simaudio600i or? The Osiris plays way above its price point.It soars even higher when partnered with the right source kit .... Like the Isis valve cdp .Hooked me to the point that I scrapped my entire biamped kit and Totem Forests and bought them both.Only an audi... | |
Very small Integrated and speakers used REGA Brio amp, Rega R1 speakers and choice of source (e.g either Rega DAC or PLANET cdp )The Rega R1 Loudspeaker - A New Budget Reference http://www.stereotimes.com/speak121305.shtmlhttp://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1308500913&... | |
Dedicating circuits and fancy power outlets My buddies and I have all gone this way: dedicated power lines with armoured cable and audiophile grade wall plugsThe Result: Graphic and dynamic on both the audio and videoI can't comment on the Shunyata ZR-71 Audiophile Outlet plug - we test dro... | |
Is the Classe Cap-101 enough for Totem Arros? " ....I was over talking to my local dealer chatting yesterday (listening to some $15K Marten's he was breaking in) and he said in the best lower priced integrated he had/would recommend for Arros was a simaudio moon i-5 ..."IMO your dealer nailed... | |
Amplifier for Totem Forest chreck out this prior post in AUDIOGON Forums > Amps Preamps > 1324406696 | |
Floorstanders with a large sweetspot REGA R7s / RS7shttp://www.stereotimes.com/speak022306.shtmlhttp://www.audioreview.com/cat/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/rega/r7/prd_337424_1594crx.aspxREGA R9swww.plurison.com/rega/Test%20Reports/Hifi%20Choice%20R9.pdf | |
CD player to compete with my vinyl rig? 05-08-12: Audiofreak32" ...With $1,000... you are not going to find even a used CD player that will compete...." Audiofreak32 nailed it. If you move up the food chain to a better CDP kit into 5 figures pricewise (new) then CD will not only compete... | |
Amplifier for Totem Forest I've had ARROs and FORRESTsOne common theme that you will see in many posts and that I also personally experienced: is that they are power hungry.In fact, the FORESTS only performed at their peak when I bi-amped them with hi-current and Hi watts a... | |
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking? First Heard'em;Then drooled over 'em, all the while fantasizing over 'em; and ... finally SOLD OFF MY ENTIRE EXISTING SYSTEM and bought 'em ... AND NEVER LOOKED BACK.now:REGA ISIS VALVE CDPREGA OSIRIS INTEGRATED AMPREGA R9 SPEAKERSCHECK 'EM OUT, Y... | |
Ultimate Cables no more? website is working fine today here in Torontodrop me line if you cannot get ahold of them yourself.http://www.ultimatecables.com/Sounds like a US Customs thing: the cables shipped from Canada to USA will trigger US duties, US taxes and brokerage h... | |
In-celing and in-wall speaker choice Martin Logan Frescos and/or Martin LoganVignettes for on-wall installation (.. I've got 'em personally ... FRESCOs for LF, C, RF; VIGNETTES for rest in 7.1 kit + ML DYNAMO subwoofer)MARTIN LOGAN PASSAGE for in-wall/ceiling installationsU won't be ... |