
Responses from acoustat6

Listening chair suck-out
Hello, My chair goes about half way up my back and is yet still comfortable enough to sit in for any amount of time I listen. Would be best to keep it below your shoulders and the lower the better.Bob 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
Paul4223 said, "Overall, my system is very musical and always a pleasure to listen to. What's next, is a serious look at room acoustic analysis and treatment."Great idea, what do you plan to do? How are you going to analyze the the room? What do y... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Koegz said, "let's see, subsonic filter, rumble filter how about an air filter? to bright ad a tweeter filter. mids not right add a mid booster filter. how about, system sounds bad, get a better system."Hey koegz, no need to worry about a subsonic... 
VPI Speed Problem
Oregon said, "Belt drive cheapo is the problem. Throw it on the 'gon with all the other VPIs and get a Lenco."My response, you are an idiot.Bob 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Hi Markpao, you said "Yes, I did receive the 20hz subsonic filters and installed them at my pre amp out. There was no question that the woofer pumping was reduced, but not gone."Dont forget that the 20hz filter will only reduce the freq below 20 h... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Markpao said "I just received a pair of those 20hz FMOD RCA filters."Did this help with your subsonic problem? Does it sound OK? Are you using them? Do you recommend them?Bob 
Platter Upgrade for Garrard 301
Try o-rings around your 301 platters, you may be very surprised!Try them around your volume control knobs too, you may be surprised!Bob 
Quad ESL owners question
Hi Rleff, The subs were designed by two internet friends one of which works for an important speaker/electronic company. These were indeed made to match the big Soundlabs as that is what these two fellows own. Mine work quite well with my Acoustat... 
Quad ESL owners question
Hi Shadorne, My point was that many technologies are indeed "good". And that it is difficult to make any sweeping statement. Now of course that doesnt mean that one cannot prefer one over the other, this is where our personal preferences and likes... 
Quad ESL owners question
Hi Isanchez, my post, "Yes, electrostats (or any dipole for that matter?) are bad bad bad bad bad for any other type of music particualy rock, progressive, symphonic, punk, be bop jazz, straight ahead jazz, electronic, dance, orchestral etc, well ... 
Quad ESL owners question
"the acoustic ambience of a panel that radiates forwards and backwards (nice for chamber, church or low level classical music)-"Yes, electrostats (or any dipole for that matter?) are bad bad bad bad bad for any other type of music particualy rock,... 
Understanding Mcintosh Meters?
Hi farjamed, I had posted a question on power level DB meters a while back, do a search for "Amplifer DB meters".Turns out that they are essentially useless and have little real world meaning. They are a nice marketing tool. I just taped over the ... 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Hello, Try Eve Libertine (Crass) and Dagmar Krause (Art Bears). And of course there is always Janis Joplin.Bob 
Would Like To Hear From Strain Gauge Owners
Hello, I have been reading the thread on the Straingage cartridge with Rauls and other audiophile responses. Now generally I do agree with Rauls insistance of a flat freq response of equipment. That is also just about the only thing I agree with h... 
Tracking ability SPU
Test disks are meaningless. It is how it sounds with real music. Unless you listen to test signals, it is best to ignore them.Bob