
Responses from acoustat6

Audible illusion L1 potentiometer upgrades
Tim, Look at the Goldpoint attenuators about $80 each and he will make any taper and impedance you want. Very good quality, good looking attenuators along with fast and reliable service .Bob 
Not enough amp gain?
Have you thought about turning it down?Bob 
What does more power do for Magnepans?
Hi Jim, you said : Playing tracks of Allison Krauss (acoustic ensemble) and Dandy Warhols (bass heavy psychedelic) with fairly narrow dynamic ranges at levels I occasionally listen atÂ… 93-95db peaks measured @ 11 feet (observed) produced these pea... 
What exactly causes clicks and pops on vinyl?
Hi Eldartford, Was that Scotty or Spock that said:"Any technology which is so dependent on perfect execution is undesirable. Good technology works well even when you abuse it."):Bob 
System sounds different at different times Why?
Itacud said "As far as ABing day to evening , I can be listening at moderate levels during the day and late into the evening thinking ok no changes This is what it is supposed to sound like anything else is me. . Change a CD or the next track will... 
Best new loudspeaker
Hi Duke, you said, "Somehow I can't see Peter Walker or Gayle Sanders not caring about frequency response or accuracy."I dont know why, but when I say that in my posts... I get lambasted.Bob 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Mlsstl, you said, "That said, I appreciate that Bob's method is meaningful to him and seems to provide him with increased listening pleasure. However, there are some very good reasons that it is unlikely to gain popularity with most people."I'l... 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Onhwy61, first off, nice Ducati and Revox equipment. I have always liked Revox, I had a 790/795? turntable years ago when they first came out. Ducatis, I still have a few.Thanks for your input, Just think about it on occasion, that's all I ask.Bob 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Stringreen, Yes, you are correct that rock sounds better loud than string quartets. But that still does not mean that if the recording is poorly done that turning up or down the volume control will assure proper playback. I am definatly saying ... 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Dave, sorry, my mistake assuming they didn't like something you were saying to me.Bob 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Dave, why would you say something nasty to me? Have I offended you?Bob 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Dave, Does it look like I fool around? No, I don't have time for that or the desire to mess with people. I am dead serious.Bob 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Stringreen, Hey, Listen, I can hear you, no shouting! Are you saying every LP is recorded and sounds exactly the same?Bob 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Dave, I think you see what I am saying. If your system was unable to handle the dynamic peaks of that LP either one or two things are potenially wrong. Either the LP is not recorded correctly or your system is unable to handle the dynamics of L... 
An Audiophile Goal
Hi Raul, You say that you agree with the two statements that if you do not change the volume control level that 1) the noise level never changes and 2) that the LPs overall volume level does not change, both of these are very obvious. Therefore we...