
Responses from acman3

Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
Picked this up on Vinyl. Mighty fine!      
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
Advice needed on power cables, wall warts, conditioning, electrical outlet
Just Fyi,  
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
    Lage playing a Linda Manzer for Coltrane1  
How much of High End Audio is Horn Speakers?
Jerry,  most of Greg Roberts ideas started with his K-horns. I have the original Alura speaker before he turned the midrange vertical. Looks a lot like a Klipch.  
How do you explain audiophiles to your friends?
So, we got friends as long as we have a dog who listens, even if it is for a treat.  
Does Anyone Know What is Up with High Fidelity Cables?
Parts for my cables finally came in. I will be getting them on Thursday after a couple months wait on parts. High Fidelity has answered questions when I asked them for the past month, coincidently about the same time as this thread. ;) Now, just ...