
Responses from acman3

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Harold-not-the-barrel, I picked up that Shure Ultra 500 that has been taunting me. How are you loading your Ultra 500. Have you tried the Jico stylus? I have tried the Shure 140he and thought it was good, but haven't listened in a while. Any thoug... 
Norah Jones
I think they are as different as chocolate and vanilla, but maybe the vanilla has some hot fudge? i don't get Ms. Krall in the same way as Norah Jones.Jazzdoc, I really like the Rome recording you mentioned. Also, for those who don't know, Brian B... 
Jazz for aficionados
O, I just wanted to encourage you to keep the thread open. There may be a lull in the action from time to time, but as we hear or rehear some great jazz, we can return to report what we have heard. I have learned a lot from you Jazz Aficionados an... 
Norah Jones
I like the last album ''Little Broken Hearts" the best. Mr Burton makes her music more interesting to me. Both the lyrics and songs are good. Looking forward to her next recording. 
Jazz for aficionados
Rok, I heard this young lady and thought of your love of Ella. Maybe not a finished product, but tons of potential., let us know if you are better???? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Nice work! That is a real Frankenstein. 
Jazz for aficionados
Get well soon O-10. 
Desire upgrade but uncertain where to begin
Hello Mortificatio, I am unfamiliar with that table and arm but can you increase VTA on that arm to get higher frequencies out of the Grado? I did have a Music Hall that is basically a Project table and the Herbie's mat was good on it. As far as a... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Harold, I was referring to the thread, not my personal bias. I am 90/95 percent analog.I will however, continue to seek better digital. I am hopeful I will some day find digital I like as much as vinyl, just when and at what cost.Have fun! 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Chopin123, Two total post, and both to abuse MM/MI. You will have to keep up though, we are into LOMC and HOMC. Heck, we even love digital. ;)See you again in about 3000 post. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Congratulations Stltrains, the Signet Tk7lca is one of my favorites also. The AT 155lc stylus is very close in performance to the Tk7lca, but if you want to make it a bolder presentation, different not better, the At ML160 is real nice.Enjoy! 
Cartridge for punk, rock, emo, indie?
Forgot to mention the compliance is 24 on both cartridges. 
Cartridge for punk, rock, emo, indie?
Check out Italian eBay, for the NOS Acutex 412 and 312 cartridge. Very good on rock, and the price is right. Look them up on the various audio forums to see what others have been saying. The Acutex 312 is a little warmer sounding of the two, to my... 
Why does most new music suck?
A new post reminded me of Goldfrapp. New footage as they prepare to tour. A lot of great video's on youtube. Very good singer. 
Acoustic Signature Turntables
Analog_sa, sorry to hear about you're bearing problem. I have had no problem with my bearing, but your report is making me wonder about this table. I am surprised Gunther will even answer your email. Keep us informed of the progress, or lack of pr...