
Responses from abysmillard

Cartridge for a Thrones 166 MK II
The Grado Silver is very nice on my TD166 mkII 
Invert phase?
The tuner is inverted after it goes through the preamp. Thanks. 
How do I replace an outlet?
When you wind the wire around the screw wind it clockwise so that when you tighten the screw you are also tightening the wire loop. The screw for the hot wire is supposed to be brass and the neutral is silver colored.Sperry Instruments makes a rea... 
Classical question
The 'K' stands for Köchel, which is the name of the catalog of Mozart's works and, I assume, the person who cataloged them. http://www.mozartproject.org/You will also see BWV numbers or Schneider listings for the works of J.S Bach. 
Cable Hook-up / Direction needed for Moron
All the arrows should point away from the source components and towards the speakers. Thus, TT -> Phonostage -> Pre -> Amp -> Speakers. Same with the other sources. 
FM reception in Los Angeles
Thanks for the suggestions. 
Fix Thorens or replace?
By all means fix it if you can. The Thorens TD 166 Mk II, though not by any means the top of the line, can sound quite respectable with a little work. Check out http://www.theanalogdept.com/thorens_dept_.htm for some ideas. 
Tom Waits...anyone?
"Heart of Saturday Night" is probably the most accessible album, as Pehare has stated above, though it might not be the most typical. The live, "Nighthawks at the Diner" is my favorite for long car trips."Used Songs," "Beautiful Maladies," or anot... 
Bach Cantata recommendations
No. 106, "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit," blew me away the first time I heard it thirty-some years ago and continues to do so every time I play it. I prefer the performance led by Fritz Werner on Musical Heritage Society MHS 665, though Josh... 
Vandersteen users: How low can you go with tubes
I'm driving a pair of Vandersteen 2c's with a Cary CAD-808/Rocket 88. I have a pretty small listening room, and I don't play music all that loud, but I'm finding that the Cary's 20 WPC triode mode gives me plenty of power. 
What is/are your the most favourite composer s ?
MahlerHandelSchubertBrahmsMartinuBrittenVaughan WilliamsNo particular order. List subject to change without notice. 
Terres TT why a mystery
anyone know who caught the baton in your opinion?
If you mean the lineage of the British folk music collectors who then arranged their finds or gained inspiration from them you might have to include Percy Grainger on the list (even though he was born in Austrailia). If you mean the more general l... 
Bringin' that thrift-store smell home
Basement: you might be on the right track. My roommate, at least, thinks my fashion sense stinks--I never thought he might be speaking literally, though.Thanks to all who offered advice--serious or otherwise. I'm most interested in deodorizing the... 
How to Judge an LP
I won't go into detail, since Twl has it covered, but I have found many, many LPs in thrift shops. Some play perfectly and some are trashed. I am often surprised to find that the one that looks the best on visual inspection is noiser than the one ...