Responses from abucktwoeighty
What's your latest album purchase? Three albums by Mandolin Orange. | |
Some of my favorite songs are...... Holy resurrection Batman!!! | |
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil I use cable elevators to separate any interconnects from power cables. This is only in a couple of spots where crossing couldn't be helped. | |
Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it? I was thinking about putting lube on the stylus, then thought that it's a minute layer between the groove and the stylus, and wondered if it takes a minute amount of signal away. Kind of like putting a thin piece of plastic wrap around a microp... | |
rising audio equipment prices: I like vintage gear, and that has gone through the roof as well.http://www.ebay.com/itm/263008394145?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIThttp://www.ebay.com/itm/Marantz-2600-Super-Receiver-MAGNIFICENT-/161717821997 | |
Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it? I bought a bottle of Stylast, Last Stylus Treatment, System Formula 5 a couple (?) years back and haven't used one drop after I read this thread:https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/i-got-a-stylus-cleaning-kit-for-butDon't think I'll ever use it... | |
Whats playing on your system today? Just got Jimmy D. Lane with Double Trouble in the mail today. It's an Analogue Productions Originals 45rpm recording so it sounds great. | |
What's been playing on your turntable and what turntable is it ? Since my post back in December I’ve been through a few cartridges. I thought the Benz I was using just needed some break-in time, but it turned out to be defective. Got a Lyra Delos that had excellent top end extension, but lacked enough bottom fo... | |
The one that got away dekay, As I started reading your first sentence regarding the master cases my heart started beating wildly, only to crash severely. | |
Finally absolutely satisfied with my system I believe I've reached the same conclusion with mine. Stay away from the audio shows to keep temptation at bay. | |
Is the sound of ATL plug performing the best? covfefe: collection of various falsehoods emanating from evil | |
What's your latest album purchase? Yesterday:Supersonic Blues Machine, West Of Flushing, South Of FriscoThe Rides, Pierced ArrowSpyro Gyra, Catching the SunThis evening:Royal Southern Brotherhood, Royal GospelRoyal Southern Brotherhood, HeartSoulBlood | |
Someone want to verify this? I'm currently selling my Modwright LS-100 and a guy emailed to ask when I purchased it. Had to go back a couple years, but imagine my surprise when I find I bought it from cody_the_cat. Now it makes perfect sense as to why the tubes he sent with... | |
Just heard Kathrin deBoer for the first time. Belleruche | |
Someone want to verify this? On Audio Asylum he's science_guy. On US Audio Mart he's cody_the_cat. He's out of Seattle. Audio Asylum said they need to look at his ads, history, IP's in the database before they make a decision on what they're going to do with him. |