

Responses from abruce

Is a Sonic Frontier Power 2 a "differential amp"
I agree with Shakeydeal 
Would the NAD M51 be an upgrade to EE Dac plus
Thanks Hew 
Looking for a DAC that has..
Thanks Steve interested in that combo 
Would the NAD M51 be an upgrade to EE Dac plus
Ok any comments on the NAD at allThanks 
Looking for a DAC that has..
So would a NAD M51 benefit as well 
Tube Pre-Amp Recommendation
Granny ring I'd still like to compare my CST with the Dude perhaps after the holidays and the blizzards. Bruce 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
I think just getting the ARC amp out of the system is an improvement Would like to hear those amps as well 
Affordable SS amp that has tube characteristics
TRL Samson...they just sound right I do have a pair 
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000
Thanks that helps a lot 
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000
JamCan you give use some more info on the comparisonThans 
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following
Retro is all the rage Mr 
Review: Tube Research TRL Dude Tube preamp
Grannyring When can we do this Dude vsCST comparison I'd like to get the Dude but would like to hear itI'm in central Iowa...Bruce 
Quad 63 ESL Rebuild - A Horror Story
I'd drive to Florida or wherever he loves 
Experiences w/ Lampizator level 2?
I'd sure like to demo that level 4 dac, how can that happen 
Anyone tried the Metrum Hex DAC?
Let us know how you like it and how you will have it configured