Responses from abex
Saddended by the death of Maurice Gibb They were a great band also.Great Harmony and musical talent.Have been looking for a Hits CD for awhile that has the old stuff,have thier Hits-LP.Lost alot after that for myself,but always knew they were greatly talented.WIll not be the same witho... | |
Joe Strummer RIP Kind of late for a Eulogy ,but I am glad to say that I had the EXPERIENCE to see the CLASH and to turn other people on to them.One of the greatest bands of all time,PERIOD.They stood at the forefront of political music long after it was fashionabl... | |
What is the best CDP to be used as a Transport? DaveyfYes,seems like what Paul Lam stated someplace holds true.Older CDP's seem to have better Transports then most of the Plastic CDP's sold today unless you want to get into ultra expensive stuff.The Phillips has their CDM-1 Transport and is mad... | |
What is the best CDP to be used as a Transport? DaveyfNo I have not used another player as yet.I did get a DVD for xmas that I might try soon,but I thought it would be an intresting Q also .That's why I posted it.I got the Phillips along time ago when I worked for GTE Sylvania and it has never ... | |
Mosfets: The way to go for SS amplification? I have owned both types and it depends on what kind of speaker's you match them with IMO.Bipolar's do a great job at delivering needed current,but with exotics ,like maggies I found Mosfets to be better.Maybe that's just my experience.The MOSFFET ... | |
What Speaker are Great for Rock and Roll $5K-20K You know there are alot of factors which the answer depends on.Like what size room and your taste in speaker's.One man or womans taste might be really different than another's.In my limited experience you really have to go after these things by yo... | |
B&K vs. Aragon I have a Modded ST-202(original) that I love,but am trying to upgrade to Monarchy's SM-100Deluxe's.B&K's are great amps.SOlid and will last forever.I auditioned a Rotel Reciever with B&W CDM speaker's and the B&K's my system edged it o... | |
Can Cable get Damaged? It can Oxidize at the connectors using Copper and it is suggested that you reterminate every few years.Silver does not I believe. | |
What are best phono preamps under $500 ? Rhljazz,now all I have to do is find a used one for a good price which is kinda of hard.I thought after reading the review on it that it was what I was looking for.I will be updating my Phono section next year some time. Thanks | |
Used Pre-amp with HT pass-thru FT Audio LW-1 PassiveThat is what I bought in order to work around that dilemma.I wish AC-3 SS processors were more affordable. | |
What are best phono preamps under $500 ? Musical Surroundings MM/MC Phonomena Phono PreamplifierI was looking into this a few months back and was wondering if anyone had any experience with this unit which was reviewed in Stereotimes back in 1\01.I have a Passive Pre-Amp and I want to be... | |
Review: B & K Components ST-202 Amplifier I have this amp and it is truely one of the finest basic amps you'll find in the last 25yrs. I have been looking into Home Audio.Here are a few details:This is the original model B&K ST-202 which was modified at http://www.soundunlimitedllc.co... | |
Choice of Amps Just to let you all know.After conferring with Paul Lam of FT Audio and considering the used factor I have decided on getting the Monarchy 100Deluxes if I can get them at a great price.The factors that I based my decission on:-Has not been on the ... | |
Choice of Amps Dan-If CDC has had experience with Classe' amps and found them not to a good match for Metal Drivers,esp. NEARs,then I would really like to know about it.That's being constructive by warning me of a vertual mismatch that I can avoid.If on the othe... | |
Choice of Amps Well I read that there was a Electrocompaniet\Wilson Watt combo that worked well.The Nears use an Inverted Ywetter which is of the same basic design which the Wilsons use.I thought that might be a good combo to try with only some Electro's showing... |