
Discussions aberyclark has started

The new Schiit Aegir Amplifier now shipping1477848
The newer Rek-o-Kut Trovatore TT looks like a winner16330
Why do some manufacturers reverse preamp polarity in the first place?882973
Any one using 2 separate amps using a/b switch to same speakers?302110
KLE RCA plugs are the real deal!!2235054
New McIntosh amp build quality1307328
Tube amp Low end Bass question243914
So many new TT's at lower price, still better off buying used?283013
Highest BUILD quality tube amps?23498149
How long should Pre amp (12au7) tubes last in Rogue Preamp?561616
Current McIntosh mc275 Questions29566
Voltmeter readings and settings when building RCA Interconnect15934
Duelund RCA interconnects...opinions1930528
Best YOUTUBE video showing how to make an RCA Interconnect?16462
My initial impressions of ZU Mission (MK1) speaker cables.103738