
Discussions aberyclark has started

What a difference curtains make...WOW49449
Ant info on the new KEF Q 900?41885
These new POLK LSiM's look tempting5088530
Pioneer receiver run 4 ohm speakers?191554
Leaving iTunes in 24/96?32376
good stand speakers with good low end540317
SONY Blu Ray player as CD transport?40275
Technical Question545813
Anyone with an Oppo 80? Thoughts?24092
Blu ray with good Redbook specs?53016
Effects of using y-cable from pre outs964912
What is consensus on Pioneer Elite sound quality?1336511
anyone listened to iTunes Plus on high end system?27227
Can someone describe the sound of KEF IQ30's ?958812
I want to upgrade from Polk rti28's72487