Responses from 84audio
what is the REAL deal with DK Kman, The DK Signature is more refined and more textured. It is a significant upgrade from the MKII. | |
Anyone Using XM or Sirius On Their System? I have listened extensively to both in my system. XM seems to have mor band width and be less mid-fi. XM also has a larger play list. Sirius is more compressed and sounds closer to an mp3 download. It doesn't make much difference in the car, but i... | |
Tyler Accoustics....a true pleasure to deal with.. Ty is a great guy who loves audio. He also makes great speakers and treats his customers like gold. I give him and his speakers my highest recommendation! | |
Info on David Brinkley amps/preamps? No, Berning and Brinkley are different people. I know that Brinkley was working on a preamp about ten years ago but I have heard nothing since. | |
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow Bratcheman, you are a man with great willpower. I'd have to move those speakers to the garage! I couldn't stand to have a speaker that good sitting in my house and not playing music. I've heard both the LSA 1s and 2s. They are off the chart values... | |
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ??? It is a challenge but not impossible. If Larry puts together a network of the best dealers, gives great service, and introduces more high value products, DK and LSA will be fine. Things change quickly, and companies reinvent themselves all the tim... | |
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ??? Why a universal player? Perhaps that question might be better directed to some of the worlds largest electronic manufacturers. Most people now like movies and music at home and appreciate the convenience of 1 player. It can still be an outstanding... | |
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ??? Snofun3, The product has always been worthy of respect because of it's great sound and value. I agree that Larry's industry experience can correct some of the previous marketing mistakes, but I think the company will be judged on it's products and... | |
Exemplar , Are they they still in Buisness? John Tucker is still very much in business, and has a new upgrade for his Denon 3910 mod that is unbelievable! He is also still making amps and preamps, and working on some other projects that he is very excited about. Before you ask, my only conn... | |
TRL Marantz Sa-14 Island, I agree that the SA14 is a very nice player. It was my reference for a couple of years. It will improve greatly with the right power cord such as a Shunyata Python. A Sistrum SP-1 Platform made a huge difference, opening it up big time!Alm... | |
Denon 3910 tube comparisons You will hear great things from owners of all 3 mods. Unfortunately, it seems that nobody has compared the latest of these 3 units. I have the most current Exemplar 3910 and think it's outstanding! It's the best digital I have heard, but I haven't... | |
TRL 595-how good is it? Jes45, That's impressive if you think it beat the Meitner. I'll look for the posts where you compare it with the TRL. I must admit that you have me very curious abot the player, and the only way I will ever really know is to hear it in my system. ... | |
TRL 595-how good is it? Chad, Hell! We're all insane, this hobby defines compulsive. I asked what $20k players don't sound as good as the TRL595. It's a reasonable question--I'm only asking that people back up their claims. I notice nobody has answered. I've never heard ... | |
Question for Marantz owners jsala, Thanks for a complete and well thought out answer. That's good info. | |
does Sirius sat have a refrence tuner??? I think they have a Kenwood tuner for the home, which is said to be their best. Personally,I find XM to sound much better with more band width. |