
Responses from 77jovian

Upgrade ARC preamp s to LS-26 ??
I was tempted to save the $$ and buy the LS17 instead of the LS26. The LS26 is worth the difference. I'm not good at the lingo, but I'll try. Here's what the LS26 brought me. First, I noticed instruments with extended range (piano, cello, for exam... 
Upgrade ARC preamp s to LS-26 ??
I owned an LS3B for years. I occasionally brought home other AR preamps to demo, including an SP16 and an LS25II. Never felt moved to replace the LS3B. Then, I demoed the LS17 and heard coherency, delicacy, dimensionality and fidelity I hadn't hea... 
Ear protection for concerts
Ringing in the ears is a symptom of hearing damage. After playing in a rock band for 10 years, I have had some hearing loss, and I am now assiduous in protecting my remaining hearing. I have the Westone plugs, the ones that are custom-fitted and a... 
What do you think of Vandersteen 5a's?
Hi, I live in Denver, too. It is well worth it to drive to Ft. Collins and hear the Vandies at Audio Alternative. Rick is a good, knowledgeable dealer and can set up the Vandies with Ayre for you to hear. I heard the Quatros recently there and was... 
The CD you most listened to back in 2007 ?
Charlie Haden/Kenny Barron - Night and the CityPat Metheny/Charlie Haden - Beyond the Missouri SkyStan Kenton's West Side StoryThe Waybacks - From the Pasture to the FutureInfamous Stringdusters - Fork in the RoadSchoenberg - GurreliederBrahms - l... 
What started you on the merry go round?
I happened to pick up an issue of Stereo Review and saw a favorable review of the Marantz 1060 integrated. I bought one and hooked it up to my parents' speakers...Never heard anything like it before...I wish I still had that amp... 
Starker 6 Cello Suites
I haven't heard the Starker recordings...do you prefer them to the Rostropovich? Yo Yo Ma's? 
request comparison between ARC HD220 and Ref 110
Dave, thanks for those excellent observations...Can you add some comparisions to the VT100iii? How significant the improvement/change? 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Why is it a surprise that few people appreciate audio when so few have a deep appreciation, aesthetic gratification or understanding of music? It may be true that listening to music is a universal activity, but the vast majority of people do not l... 
ARC Reference 110 vs older ARC amps eg VT150
Hi MickeyOne man's experience....I used a Krell KSA 200S and ARC LS3B for years...detail and dynamics were killer, but at times the presentation was a little clinical. I always felt drawn to the richness of tubes. But I couldn't find tube equipmen... 
Music Recommendations
Holst...The PlanetsMahler...2nd "Resurrection" SymphonyGorecki...3rd Symphony 
Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest
supplement to the above...Thiel 3.7's are indeed wonderful in the mids and high but do not have the low extension and control of the 3.6's. The Apogees' midrange, especially, is very nice, powered by AR's HD220. Audio Unlimited's demo of Focal 103... 
shipping tips
Thanks for all the good advice. "Part swappers"...never even heard of that...what's that about? How much importance do you place on the other party's prior feedback in weeding out potential rats?