
Responses from 57s4me

Everything about this is wrong...
Hifiharv. The platter moves in very small increments: the increments are determined by a sensor attached to the back of the "tonearm". In other words, when the sensor reads that the tonearm is out of alignment by a tenth of a degree the motor will... 
Everything about this is wrong...
Elizabeth. Maybe you are right - but I would hope it was just as much good management as luck :-)Actually, for those, like me, who have suffered at the hands of conventional unipivot designs, this is a relatively easy setup, with a very simple and... 
Everything about this is wrong...
Hifiharv. The arm does not travel - only the platter! This is the madness/cleverness of the design. By breaking the rule of moving-arm transduction the whole idea of necessary platter mass is also thrown into question. The concept is not only utte... 
Everything about this is wrong...
Actusreus. Indeed: this sounds premature. But it was a long night of listening...And the process was repeated the next night - with exactly the same set of results and impressions. And the same head-scratching. At this point I'm going to be in dan... 
Aging and Treble and Income?
Onhwy61 - Thanks for the reference to the Robert Greene essay; this is a compelling analysis, and answers many questions I have had. 
Aging and Treble and Income?
Well, it's nice to know I'm not alone!! Just as a reference (as my name probably hints..) I'm one of those audio-bores who found an excellent pair of Quad 57 ELS speakers, and as a result has given up any real intention of ever 'improving' his sys... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
"I personally think that too many audiophiles blame the equipment when in fact they are listening to a bad recording job."I actually think this is precisely on-topic; a point well made!My original question revolved around the inability to judge eq... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
This is very interesting; is the ideal of 'accuracy' at one and the same time quite attainable, but actually impossible (to all intents) to verify?If so, we are left in a position of 'having the faith'.Absolute proof of accuracy seems dependent on... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
To Bifwynne,I'm on the floor laughing at your post!I should have thought thrice before penning so glibly...A shrink? Can't afford one - but I thank The Great Cat in the Sky (Stephen, are you reading this?) for alcohol!Nick 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
I have to admit that my question 'Does Accuracy Exist?' was indeed somewhat rhetorical.The moment that electronics and (esp) transducers enter the chain, then accuracy must be a casualty. As some have pointed out the word should have absolute stat... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
To Bifwynne,It's funny you mention the 'favorite speaker' thread. It was this that prompted me to my post! 
The downward spiral.....
Orpheus10, I actually was trained as a pianist (how I made my living for some time), and perhaps this helps me listen. I'd prefer to think democratically though: none of us hears the same music in the same ways (a good thing IMHO), and possible no... 
The downward spiral.....
I think the answer is simple, and I say this with the greatest respect: it seems that today we're both loving the music we hear.Perhaps our processes have been slightly different, but ultimately that doesn't matter. Our delight in listening to mus... 
The downward spiral.....
In response, I'm in my mid-50s.Perhaps this means gradual hearing loss is part of the picture - not sure about this though.Drubin, your point is well-taken. I've always loved the hobby (because it involves music all the time) and the constant sear... 
The downward spiral.....
It's nice to feel not entirely AWOL on this - thank you for your comments!Currently listening to Leon Russell, sun streaming through the open window; sometimes life is just too good.Peace and great music to everyone!