
Responses from 55dok

Best bang for buck powercond. ?
I live in a big city in a big Apartment building and clean power is not to be found. I use a big Powervar (model 1100-12?)46lbs and plug in my pre-amp, transport, dac and ultrajitterbug. Works great and only cost me $100+S&H on Ebay. Now that ... 
Plasma 42 inch ....
The pioneer pro elite and fujitsu 50 inch plasmas are thought to be among the best so you might want to see if they have smaller units in the same top line range. If you don't need to hang your screen on a wall and don't view at extreme angles, ch... 
Which $12 glass Toslink were people raving about?
I believe the glass toslink that has 280 glass threads is thought to be the best sounding toslink for the price. It is available on Audiogon, Ebay and even Buy.com had a limited stock of them. 
Which components knocked you out on first listen?
In chronological order: Magnepan tympani 1D with Crown electronics (late 1970's), Beveridge electrostatic SW2 (1970's), Hill plasmatronics (early 1980's), dayton wright XG-8 electrostatic with leaf tweeter; threshold and krell electronics (1980's)... 
Need interconnects for new cd player
Depends on your electronics, speakers and budget. If you use solid state electronics and have some treble glare try Silent audio Apollo C copper RCA interconnects, if you use tubes you might try their Apollo A silver RCA interconnects. Element cab... 
Thoughts on Plasma, LCD, DLP and which way to go
LCD technology is taking over along DLP technology. Also, DLPs have new TI chips out this year. These sell more because you get a lot for your money as prices have dropped significantly. However, if you plan on viewing from extreme angles you stil... 
Best All-Around $300 PCs?
I've been impressed by the Van den Hull hybrid for amps which lists for around $425 and sells for $125-150 on audiogon and the K-works empowered cord for digital sources &/or amps which lists for around $275. 
Which components knocked you out on first listen?
Speakers: Magnepan tympani 1Ds, stacked Quads, Dayton Wright XG-8's (leaf tweeter version), Apogee divas, Hill Plasmatronics Electronics: Early Threshold and Krell class A ampsTurntable: Linn Sondek with dynavector 505 arm and dynavector ruby cart... 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
I second the choice posted by infinity-audio. I have not heard all of the mega buck speaker cables but have heard my share of nordost and various custom cables and was lucky enough to acquire 2 pairs of Apex Signature cables to bi-wire my maggies.... 
Advice needed please.
I use an old sony ES as a transport to an ultrajitterbug to a McCormack dac deluxe only because I like having 5 CDs to choose from with my remote. If you are going the single player route, I would skip all the interconnects and get a single box wi... 
Digital source cords
I believe that most digital source cords just have a lower current rating than amplifier power cords. In the past, I've used a Van den Hull hybrid PC (amp cord) on my DAC without a problem. The Van den Hull lists for around $425 but can be found o... 
Best Powercord - SIZE Matters along with price ???
If possible have a qualified person install an IEC outlet if there is room to do so. You could always use a captured cord converter sold by the locus design group that advertizes on Audiogon. Lee is very nice and easy to deal with. The "converter"... 
Review: Threshold 400a Amplifier
I own the Threshold 4000 the 200watt/channel bigger brother of the 400a. I bought it after I spoke with Nelson Pass over 25 years ago as it was one of the few high current amps that could drive my modifed 1 ohm Dayton Wright XG 8's. It never faile... 
Clean and thin sounding interconnect?
If you want a clean sounding (not thin sounding) IC at a budget price try Element Cable's twisted pair with Cardas RCAs for around $99 new. They are built with Belden cable on what I believe is a J. Risch design. If I can hear obvious differences ... 
Silly Question: Short Power Cord + Ext. Cord?
Try a powervar 12 line conditioner instead of an extension cord and then hook up your short power cords to the powervar. You should get clean quiet power no matter what is coming out of your wall.