Responses from 4orreal
Taralabs cables Audiolabyrinth, Do you realize that you sound like a salesman for Tara Labs on this thread? Do you wonder why people accuse you of such on this thread? Enough of your vague rants, let people with direct listening experiences share their experience... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Matt,One speakers that I have not heard but intrigues me are the Kudos Audio "Titan T808" speakers, and may be worth investigating. The port design on them is different, and are meant to not cause problems in rooms. I have read great things about ... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Erikminer,I agree, in many instances, not all. | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Hifial & Ctsooner,I agree with you guys, but this is audio and people are going to be chasing the last detail like a dog chasing its tail. Not sure if the Vertere Pulse HD USB Cable has been compared to the $2,000 Synergistic Research USB Cabl... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Matt,The Vertere Acoustics HB USB Cable is currently the best USB cable according to Audio Exotics - Hong Kong. They claim it beats the Totaldac USB and any other USB cables they've compared it to regardless of price. It sells for under $2000.00 I... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Matt,I have heard good things about the Antipodes although I have not heard one personally. The Beast is very expensive, and for me personally, I would go with the Antipodes and give it a couple of years. I think there will be lots of better serve... | |
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good? Jmcgrogan2,You make a good point. The root of the problem is Audiolabyrinth, not you. | |
Taralabs cables Ronnjay,Thanks for the info. I am wondering when Tara Labs will finally put breaks on these loose wheels. What a wasted 4ool. | |
Taralabs cables Audiolabyrinth,Having read many of your posts, I doubt "you" actually wrote the piece on "Dielectric" above. I am sure you copied and pasted from the web or an email from your company (Tara Labs).I am not sure of your intentions here, but I have a... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Mrpaul,Excellent choice. Please share your impressions here when it settles in your system. | |
Taralabs cables Sts,Audiolabyrinth will never know unless it's Tara Labs. And oh...he doesn't give a crap about the Gabriel Gold cables since the Tara Labs evolution cables are the "best in the world". | |
Taralabs cables Audiolabyrinth,Regarding your comment: “everyone has to know that the Grandmaster is NOT for most system's,it is for system's that is capable to allow the Grandmaster perform to full potential.” I am not sure if that was directed at the Audio Exot... | |
Lampizator question Wisnon,May be, Fsmithjack is not using the proper language, but there is some truth in some of his assertions. I also think Lampizator comes up too quick with newer models that I personally will not buy a new Lampi. I will always look for a used/d... | |
Taralabs cables Bvdiman,Audiolabrynth definitely doesn't want to hear or read that something is better than the Tara Labs GME, which he praises just too much. | |
Taralabs cables Audiolabyrinth,Please go to the link below and read, they used the Tara Labs GME (Grandmaster Evolution). There's a new comment from another listener this morning preferring the sound of the Vertere HB cables. He thinks the GME sounds a bit exagge... |