Responses from 3chihuahuas
Best power cord for Levinson No. 39? Mr. BMI..I think Mr. Coconut has a little to much nut in his coco and his email address is a little fishy. There's no such thing is Hotmail.net. Recently there has been many positie feedbacks on Mr. BMI Whales and with like must good products, the... | |
help me find this artist If you like the Cranberries and the Sundays, try listenning to Beth Orton too. Her voice is very sexy. | |
How much are you worth ? My system is worth $30K and I alternate between top ramen and mac/cheese every other nite for dinner....Like many of you, I my stock option was worth ~$2M last year...not it's barely worth ~$2K. My only savor thru these hard times is my system....... | |
Priorities, who makes the rules anyway? I am not an expert in psychology, but here's what I think. Some people are in the status thing and a $70K car is more visiable and recognized by more people on the street than a $70K system. So I guess Blbloom is right..never. | |
power cord I received my Whale Elite PC a few days ago. After a few hours of listening with it for a few hours, it was apparent that there was noticeable improvements. Much better clarity, tighter bass, and improved soundstage. I was skeptical about power co... | |
I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks Who would of have though hot dogs have fillers. You figure it contained stuff that is of abundant which are left overs that no one wants. Nevertheless, nothing can satisfy the munchies like a hot dog. Dekay and Mes, thanks for the tip and you're b... | |
Cable Supenders - Anyone Try Vibrapods? If ceremic lifters are used to remove static charges from carpets, then I assume there's no need for such lifters if you're setup is on hardwood floor? | |
I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks Mes, I was the one who asked about cutting open a hot dog. Unfortunately, I shouldn't have asked. From your findings, my next question has to be is the $0.99 dogs better than the $5.99 gourmet dogs or is it VODOO? | |
Power Cord for which COMPONENTS???? Thanks for the advice folks.... | |
WHO WANTS A B W Nautilus 801?? I saw that add too but I was concern that I will not be able to get a matching pair somewhere else. Does anyone know if B&W sells 1 speaker? | |
Do studio monitors work well at home? Hi, I used a pair of studio monitor as my main listening speakers a few years back thinking that if the pro uses it, then it must be a true "monitor". Unfortunately, the I soon find the studios monitors lacks personality. They sounded plain and bo... | |
More gain using XLR cables????? Thanks guys, this helps alot.Nick | |
I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks Any one ever cut open an Oscar Wiener? I am affraid to ask what's in them ;-) Seriously though, please let us know if you ever gut open Synergystics Research's Designer Ref. speaker cable. Refering a recent about the SR des. ref. cable, I was wond... | |
I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks Any one ever cut open an Oscar Wiener? I am affraid to ask what's in them ;-) Seriously though, please let us know if you ever gut open Synergystics Research's Designer Ref. speaker cable. Refering a recent about the SR des. ref. cable, I was wond... | |
Dynaudio Contour vs. Confidence Do the 3.3 and 5 share the same tweeter? |