Responses from 2tuby
Looking for speaker recommendations bache-I am 50 miles from NYCcaphill- What are you thoughts on the Classe CT-SSP for two channel music? There is one for sale now. I know it was designed for for home theater surround sound and so a lot more electronics. | |
Looking for speaker recommendations Audionoobie (aren't we all?)-You seem to be where I am in this audiophile hobby. I like my Vandys but I think I can get better sound. (If you do not look you will never find it!)I read the hype on Audiogon for the Tektons and was attracted to the... | |
Looking for speaker recommendations I have seen the Ohm website. Rather different speaker design. I have been looking for several months on Audiogon and USAudiomart for used Ohms and there are very few. Do people keep them or do the have a small market share? Has anyone ever listen... | |
Listening to equipment at home before you buy jhillsI have no problem with used gear and have been watching items on Audiogon, US Audio Mart, Music Room etc. I will take your suggestion and see if the used seller is willing to allow an audition. Thanks for the reply! | |
Listening to equipment at home before you buy Browndt-Pass Labs is at the top of my short list of amps to listen to but does Reno HiFi dmo in NY?Richopp-I wish you were still in businessviridian-I have read about different classes of amps and heard different opinions about which class is bett... | |
Listening to equipment at home before you buy As a new "audiophile," I have been enjoying reading the many different on-line articles trying to get a an understanding of the relationship between price, sound quality, system synergy, etc and I have found it challenging. I I am not an electric... |