

Responses from 2tuby

Looking for speaker recommendations
bache-I am 50 miles from NYCcaphill- What are you thoughts on the Classe CT-SSP for two channel music? There is one for sale now. I know it was designed for  for home theater surround sound and so a lot more electronics. 
Looking for speaker recommendations
Audionoobie (aren't we all?)-You seem to be where I am in this audiophile hobby.  I like my Vandys but I think I can get better sound. (If you do not look you will never find it!)I read the hype on Audiogon for the Tektons and was attracted to the... 
Looking for speaker recommendations
I have seen the Ohm website. Rather different speaker design. I have been looking for several months on Audiogon and USAudiomart for used Ohms and there are very few.  Do people keep them or do the have a small market share? Has anyone ever listen... 
Listening to equipment at home before you buy
jhillsI have no problem with used gear and have been watching items on Audiogon, US Audio Mart, Music Room etc. I will take your suggestion and see if the used seller is willing to allow an audition. Thanks for the reply! 
Listening to equipment at home before you buy
Browndt-Pass Labs is at the top of my short list of amps to listen to but does Reno HiFi dmo in NY?Richopp-I wish you were still in businessviridian-I have read about different classes of amps and heard different opinions about which class is bett... 
Listening to equipment at home before you buy
As a new "audiophile," I have been enjoying reading the many different on-line articles trying to get a an understanding of the relationship between price, sound quality, system synergy, etc and I have found it challenging.  I I am not an electric...