

Responses from 2bgeorge

CIAUIDO VDC9.0 power supply for wadia i170
Yes and it is much better. If you do this you will want to upgrade the power cords to the CIA. The only question I have is the link between the Wadia and CIA is still a cheapo wire. 
PS Audio PW vs. Bryston BDA-1 vs. Wyred 4 Sound
Easy choice, having ownwed the PS Audio DAC III and then the PS Audio DAC III Cullen Mod IV and now the Wyred 4Sound DAC 1 it is an easy choice, Wyred4Sound! It isn't even broke in yet. Rick Cullen and EJ Sarmento have done a fantastice job! 
Wadia i170 or Mac TV
Thank you Hens! 
Wadia i170 or Mac TV
Thanks Bikerduud and Hens for the feedback. The cable I am using is Audio-Magic Sorcerer single coax. I am not sure what the differnce is between that and SPDIF digital output. The manufacturers lit says RCA and Toslink, but there are no AES/EBU o... 
Lie you told your wife to buy equipment?
I think it is wrong to lie about buying equipment to your spouse. If we lie to our spouses how can we feel good about our hobby or even this forum. Would you want to buy from another audiogoner who is lying to his wife? I tell my wife everything I...