Does your system always sound good?

I've seen incredible rigs in the Virtual Systems section. I am curious to know if your system always impresses you. Sometimes I am blown away by the sound and the next day it just seems ok. Is this normal? I am trying to enjoy the music, but catch myself analyzing the sound. It could be that my speakers are still breaking in and it sounds different from day to day. At some point I think there must be some sort of acceptance factor that comes into play. Am I wrong? Can you actually put together a system that totally satisfies you all of the time?
i am a firm believer in warm electronics sounding the components best...i've started turning on the equipment when i get home from work for listening that may or maynot take place that evening. also, i noticed evening listening is more sonically pleasing than day time.
i am a firm believer in warm electronics sounding the components best...i've started turning on the equipment when i get home from work for listening that may or maynot take place that evening. also, i noticed evening listening is more sonically pleasing than day time

I totally agree!

In response to the original inquiry, I would say that it depends. You have to be aware of the truth that not all material will have the same sonics than your best of the best "favorite" LP, CD, or whatever source you choose. Yes, it will not sound as good than the best ones, but is that your system's fault? Isn't it that you have to thank your system in this case because it reflects exactly what kind of material you are feeding it?

Does my system sound good all the time? No! But that's the way I like it because it speaks the truth. I wish I will not see the day that my system will sound good all the time. Because if it does, it's a sure sign that I am becoming deaf or have only a few steps before la-la land.
I am so glad that I am not the only one who experiences this condition of the system does not sound good all the time. I thought at one point that I was either going nut or my problem with sinus/ allergy is acting up to effect my hearing. Yes, the same soundtrack and the same system but someday I can hear the harshness from my system and some day it sounds so warm and smooth...I have learnt to deal with this condition by not playing my system whenever I feel it does not sound good as usual...Is it "me" or is it the humidity around me or is it my sinus acting up ? The question remains unsolved.
i believe there are certain components which age and therefore may affect the sound of a stereo system.

for example, tubes and exposed cable which can oxidize.

regarding a stereo system that always sounds great, i would say my favorite speker of all times, th original quads in a stacked configuration, i.e., 4 of them always sound wounderful. to me it's as good as gets.