What do you use to check for brightness?

I'll post this in computer audio because that's what I'm dealing with, although it applies more broadly. Sometimes tonal brightness is obvious, even painful. But most of the time it's more subtle and too easy to get used to; i.e., where "I just know" might not be so reliable. Do you have any recordings, music files or online audio sites that you fall back on, where you know that if a system sounds like such and such, it says "bright?"
"Do you have any recordings, music files or online audio sites that you fall back on, where you know that if a system sounds like such and such, it says "bright?" "

You answered your own question. Pick some recordings you know well and use them.
If I did, point it out. I gave you an honest answer. Bright, is subjective. The best way for you to judge that, or any other character, of an audio system is to have a reference. We all have them. Get to know some records or CD's very well, and use them as a basis for comparison. It doesn't happen over night. The more experience you get, the easier it becomes. Theres no easy way or short cuts. Experience is everything.