iPad "Remote" App for iTunes

Introduced to me by Mezmo, this free Apple app looks through the iPad to iTunes and all the music on my Mac Mini.

Therefore, from the comfort of a chair across the room, one can browse the entire selection of music, see all the cover art AND adjust the volume.

Although I am not yet sure how this affects the sound - particularly the use of the volume control - this has otherwise solved my Mac to DAC to amp problem, where for this one source, I no longer need a preamp, nor a DAC with an attenuator.

For comparison's sake, I have ordered an Antelope Zodiac + DAC (with attenuator) and will report back with any interesting findings.

For general use, surfing an iTunes collection, the remote app seems useful for anyone who also has an iPad.


Thank you - you have elegantly and perfectly articulated exactly what I feared might be happening, as well as confirming previous suspicions that Apple is the new Microsoft.

It will take me some time to work out how to best address, my local / lossless copies vs iTunes copies of various things.....but in the meantime, suspect I will renew my phone contract in March with a Samsung Note II!
The new Microsoft indeed. Sometimes it seems like a full time job just staying ahead of Apple's apparently evolving efforts to break its own software. Lovely. I've said before, the new corporate motto seems sometimes to be "If it aint broke, quick break it. Apple smash." Now it seems that every time my system idles, iTunes helpfully locks all of the harddrives and crashes. Then there's no talking it out of it, and a hard restart is the only remedy. Very much the opposite of endearing. My love/hate relationship endures.

In terms of sorting, you can happily get iTunes to do that for you. May not be a default, but in the settings you can get it to show the "file type" column. If you then go to view by tracks and click on the "file type" heading, it will automatically sort everything for you. "AAC" and "Protected AAC" will be the cloud droppings from Apple. Everything else should be what you did on purpose, in whatever file type was your default for importing. Joy.
Follow up, the other day I broke my OS trying to sort out the permission issue. Who'd a thunk it was so blithely simple to casually break an OS. And I mean broke to the point of a burn down and clean install. Well, live and learn.

All that said, my relationship to Apple and audio remains the same as the old quote about the US government: it's the worst possible thing I can imagine, but it remains better than all the alternatives....