Multiple Vulnerabilities In FLAC

They found 14 vulnerabilities in the processing of FLAC.

Does any of this mean anything to it's ability to perform lossless compression, though? Take a WAV, convert it to FLAC, convert it back to WAV, convert it back to FLAC, repeat 100 times and compare the last WAV with the original with software specifically designed for comparing WAVs. It's going to be identical to the original WAV. What are the actual problems associated with the "vulnerabilities." I don't understand a lot of the mumbo jumbo written in the article and am doubtful that any of it means anything to the audiophile. Does anybody here understand the article who can put it simply?
Isn't the article about security, not fidelity. Who is going to bother trying to hack FLAC files? Hackers go after the big users like Microsoft programs and maybe Itunes.