Any info on sqeezebox slim devices?

It seems pretty simple to hookup. Go from PC to sqeezebox to preamp. You can go wireless or hookup via ethernet. One question I have is how is the sound quality? I would be ripping on to my hard drive using a lossless compression most likely Flac. Would the sound quality be equal to that of a high end CD Player, or equal to that of an IPOD, or somewhere in between. This seems a little better than the Sonis system being it lets you use your home stereo to listen to your music. It seems reasonably priced as well.
With 700GB of storage you should be able to store about 2800-3000 CD's. Remember to backup occasionally. You don't want to loose all that time spent ripping.

Good luck and happy ripping,
As THEY say, money is not everything.

Some people consider a cheap NOS DAC like the DAC-Ah gives them the organic sound that beats many expensive DACs. Whatever that means.

You really have to survey the market and determine the optimal price/performance combo for yourself.

A hotly contested price point is $1k where you can find Benchmark DAC1, Apogee Mini-DAC, Lavry DA-10 and a whole bunch of other DACs in stock or modded form.
I am extremely happy with my SB3. I have it running into an Audio Note DAC and I think it sounds fantastic.

I use the Linksys NSLU2 for network-based USB hard drive storage.
(and I don't think you can even compare the sound quality of an iPod to it - the SB3 is way, way better imo.)