Know anything about the BSG Technologies QOL?

Hi there, I just saw a local dealer advertising this on craigslist, They wont tell you anything about it except it works, it half sounds like snake oil and half sounds like it could be something.

They claim it is all analog and retrieves inner detail and has the "WOW FACTOR".

My guess after talking to the guy is is might be disgned around smoothing out microphone curves maybe? or sending out a ton of above 20KHZ info to do some pshycho acoustic/room type thing?

I'm just tripped out they wont tell you anything except, well set it up, if you like it awesome if not dont buy it.

I am genuinely intrigued to see if its truly real and if anyone has expreience. It would be nice to save a long drive to hear something or have something to look forward to on the drive.
Almost forgot. The balance thing is recording dependant. A balance control really helps out. Or sometimes if one uses tubes that one is stronger than the other which adds to the inferior recording.
As far as fowardness is concerned, depends on recording as well.
Living with Qol now for over 8 months and hearing it numerous systems, all I can say is it is not going anywhere. One would have to rip it out of my dead cold hands.
Pipedream, Glad you are enjoying the Qol. I have had mine for about 2-3 months. I leave the Qol engaged all the time too. My comments on this thread show how much I appreciate the Qol.

I have a very difficult time reading some of the negative comments, especially those from people who have never actually tried one. The comment about lack of transparency and clarity troubles me because I just don't know how anyone could state that, in my opinion it is just the opposite.

Now because the Qol improves the dynamics of the instruments, voices etc, it may seem at times that certain instruments, staging or voices overwhelm other instruments, staging or voices. Perhaps that is why some say there is a loss of clarity. But it sounds right to me, just like live music sounds.

I have only used my Qol with the balanced connections and I am using the same interconnects throughout my 2 channel system.
A good power cord is a plus, I'm using a Synergistic Research Tesla 2 because it was available and all my other power cables are Synergistic Research Tesla series.
I would agree with all about having a good power cord. As usual, anything in the analogue mode picks up interference. The "loss of clarity" occasionally mentioned, I think, is the removal of that etched quality found in many studio recordings. What the Qol does is create a sense of air around the instruments and voices. I would be interested in feedback from anyone using full range electrostatic speakers in the system. With my big Sound Labs I can finally appreciate the true accuracy of sound, along with a sense of liveness. Because my listening area is so big (75 ft. total), I have back channels (some 25 ft. behind listener). I have them fed also with the Qol. Using an Audio Research SPD1 for the rear, the out of phase information is more realistically conveyed. I also think that with the Qol it is easier to reproduce real concert levels (I am talking about real, classical music concerts where the sound comes only from instruments and voices without sound reinforcement ala rock and other pop).
BTW guys where do you have the Qol installed ? Before or after the Preamp. In our situation it is after the preamp since we use a Phono/pre combo.
At first qol was to be installed before the Preamp, then an addendum was issued by BSG suggesting after the preamp.
BTW it likes footers as well. Using ebony cones with great affect. So experiment away dear chaps and always have fun doing so.
Ok here are our findings about Qol. It takes 500 hours to sound its best. That is when we detected so more changing of sound. Around 500 not exactly. Powercords do make a difference as well as power correction devices[ Uberbuss ].
Footers too contribute to more focused bass and tighter images. not to say as is is bad, just that with better.
We have tried, Ebony cones, Soundfusion, Pon -tunes, Ayre wood blocks and brass cones so far [ we like the Ayre blocks ]. All different results. realy is system dependant. Basically a tone control footer wise.
Let ya know how the "supreme" HIFI Tuning fuse works out for us. last but not least , leave it on 24/7 makes a difference.