small room questions

i will soon have a dedicated room for my audio and was wondering if it is possible to get good sound in a 10'x 11' room. i currently have a set of sonus faber toy monitors on stands and a rel t2 sub. the room will be completely bare other then a chair, audio rack, and audio equipment. i have about $600 i can spend on treatments. i have read about setting the speakers diagonally in the room to help cancel room nodes, but dont really know where you would put the sub. anybody been able to tackle a small room with success??

My office is about exactly that size. But it’s full of racks, gear, computers, Desk, file cabinets… yeah. There’s scant little room for walking around. I use two 40 in tall 3 way towers. No sub. They’re my desktop speakers. Sitting on either side of my corner desk. They’re like huge head phones but without the heat and pressure headphones can provide.. they used to be in each diagonal corner… but things had to change. I’ll be moving them back to the BR HT system soon though.

Near field listening is an under statement, in that room. Your’s will be much better.

I don’t see 10 x 11 as a real problem. IF you keep everything on par with the system. I’m assuming the 11ft is the length… 10ft the width. Seems just right for small monitors & a sub. Lateral spacing ought to be fine, off the wall distance though looks to be a tad more limited, given the distance off the wall behind yourself the LP will wind up being.

The ‘big deal’ IMO is going to be reflections primarily. Front & side walls first. Upper corners of the room too. Tons of ways to address it/them. Hanging up Rug runners on the wall behind the speakers, and diffusion at first reflection points on the side walls will be big helps… addressing the upper corners will help that slap echo a lot. Dropping a set of 18 x 48 x 2-4 DIY fiberglass panels set diagonally on each corner should be all you need… if more is desired place one 24x48x2 panel on the wall behind your head centered on the wall and your ear height.

U might even want to go with narrower panels… like 12 in. vs 18.

Inl lieu of some of the corner treatments, you could put plants in there. Hanging, on stands, or in thin wicker baskets … just so the waves are broken up. In fact I prefer a room to be a tick more lively than dead, and not look studioish like.

So simply add what u can when U can as you go… here or there… it should be fun… Good luck. has the most cost effective acoustic panels I've seen (apart from DIY, which they can also supply materials for). Their standard panels have a wood backing, but they also sell them without the wood backing for the best absorption in a corner.
My room is 12 x 14 and I've had it set-up every way possible, finally settling on diagonal. Best performance my system has ever given me. Front speakers are a couple of feet out from walls, and probably 4-5 feet from the front corner, which allows for a very deep and resolved soundstage, with loveseat a couple of feet from the back corner. Only downside is a slightly narrow soundstage due to limitations of speaker positioning because of furnishings.

Give it a try. I think you may be surprised how well it can work.
near-field listening works best in small rooms, like yours. Play with the treatments till best sound is achieved. To expand the sound stage think about a center speaker, identical to the speakers you already have.