HiFi tuning fuses, some benefits help

OK I admit that I'm not sure of the technical benefits of HIFi tuning fuses but... some extra help would be great to help me understand. First off how does it change the before and after sound of the peice you use it in? Like does it make it warmer, cooler, more nuteral? If "gon members can help to distill this for me it would be a help. Thanks in advance.
As far as audiophile fuses go, I have only tried the Hifi-tuning gold ends version. They made a very substantial improvement in both my tube monoblocks and my tube preamp. However, in my system and IMHO, these fuses take a while to fully flesh out. The first couple of hours they sounded very sparkly and nice. The next three days it sounded like a blanket was placed over my speakers. At this point, I almost took them out, but I hung in there and on day four, the blanket was removed and the sound continued to improve thereafter for up to 300 hours. I know. Call me anal. (o: Here is the best price I have found on these fuses:


Here is a link to some lab tests comparing some popular fuses:


A few weeks ago I installed the silver HIFI Tuning fuses in my Theta Casablanca II, Theta Compli, and Theta Intrepid. It just seemed like the logical thing to do.

In so many words, my system immediately sounded more refined, and over the past few weeks the sound has evolved to be sweeter with tighter bass. I did all three pieces of equipment at once so I say which piece benefited the most.

Theta was kind enough to provide me with a full list of fuse sizes and values for all their equipment. If interested, I’d be happy to share that information with other Theta owners.
Could you please email me the ratings for the fuses found in the Intrepid amp?