Reaching the top and stoping

You would think that by buying the top gear one would never sell it for something else, Tara Labs Zero being a example.

What have you bought that you will not sell or upgrade.

Here is my list:

1. Voyd TT Plus
2. AN IO-Gold Cart
3. Helius TA
4. EAR 324
5. HRS M3 with Spaces and Couplers. Never ever DONE!
6. Isoclean a complete system. Never ever. DONE!
7. Lector 7T Mk3 Only good for cleaning the house and
making Love anyway. No need to upgrade ever.
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The only component in my system that is safe is my Esoteric P3/D5 transport and dac combo. Everything else is free game.
After a number of frenzied years of equipment churn, I'm fairly sure about keeping the following components for the long haul:

Quad ESL-57
JPS Labs Aluminata cables (ICs, speaker cables and power cord)
Tom Evans Vibe/Pulse
Audio Note 4.1x Balanced Signature DAC
And a holiday surprise, the KR Audio KR-20 bsi - an 842-powered boat anchor of an amp that has pushed all the others aside.
There is no best... When I look at your list there's nothing on it that I would want. That doesn't mean it's not great gear, just that it's not for me. What you love today and have to have is next months listing in the classified.

If you want the best pre/phono/cartridge you have to have the Soundsmith and the Straingauge. Everything else is a severe compromise!

If you're not listening to vinyl what's the point of getting into hi-end audio. :) CDs are one the way out. Only vinyl is gaining market share... Imagine what it would do if everything were available rather than just a few limited titles...



My B&W Nautilus 801s and Krell KSA-250 will be in my system for a very long time to come.