Where do I go from here?

Really need some help.. my system is pretty wussie compared to you guys.. but I am trying to figure out where to spend my next oh say $800.. and I mean $800 cash PLUS the sale of existing equipment..
Here is my setup:

Preamp: Eico HF-85 no hum all original.
Amp: Threshold 400a (new caps)
CD Player: Onix XCD-88 (stock, no a/d upgrade)
Speakers: Vandersteen 2ce's (bi cabled).

I hear there is an upgrade for the Onix that warms it up.. I have the sockets; but need to buy the actual converters still..

When I bought the Vandersteens I knew I was finally "home".. I love the sound.. I wonder if upgrading to the 2ce signature models would be wise?

Anyhow.. thoughts.. I dont know where the next bang for the buck is.. I fear that I am at the point where I need to spend "big money" to make a difference like the vandersteens did..

Any help would be wonderful!
all this messing with the CD player with results got me to thinking.. why did no one recommend I use a DAC?
I am suprised that nobody above said turntable. This would be the best upgrade that I can think of. 800 would buy a decent table & phono pre that would and many sonic benefits that cannot be attained with better cables, better CD player etc. Not only that our friend on a budget benefit from going to a garage sale and picking up vinyl for very little cost,what would be included is superior sound.

I actually figured this out on my own. I found out my phone stage in my old Eico tube preamp was complete CRAP.. and now I have a HK Preamp with a B&O turntable and it has changed my sound drastically.. I have been frequenting the vinyl resale shop.. been sampling them digitally with excellent results!