Which "tweeks" are more important

I'm satisfied with my electronics,cables and power cords. But I am thinking about fine tuning my system.I dont know which to do first.
Surge protection/line conditioner
Better audio rack
Better spikes for my floor standing speakers
input please
Thanks for your help
Dodgealum,I will be contacting EP shortly,inquiring if their products are right for me.I thank you for your informative input in this and other treads you participated in
Most are not really improvements. There are a number of tweeks out there and the problem is that sure you can hear a differance but is truly an IMPROVEMENT. I have been selling and designing audio systems for over 30 years and Ive heard them all. A truly good tweek is one that consistantly makes an improvement in every system you put it in. Ahh power conditioners, lol I have yet to hear one that improves the sound. I dont recommend them. I do recommend dedicated lined, just make sure you do it correctly. Power cords also do make a consistantly big improvement. To me speaker placement is the single most important tweek or setup anyone can make. It takes time and patience but is well worth the effort. Select the right gear and take your time on the setup. DO that first before trying any tweeks to your system. Good luck and happy listening Kevin
Recently, I have experienced a new problem with some tweaks, they interact. Specifically, my WTC control on the H-Cat and my Halographs have caused me many problems. I ultimately had to remove the two sets of Halographs properly adjust the WTC and then experiment with reintroducing the Halographs.

More recently the Brilliant Pebbles have further complicated the situation. Presently I have been unable to bring one pair of the Halographs into the room. Another tweak, the Shun Mook Mpingo disks have had to all be removed.