Diana Krall Survey

A friend of mine is working the new Diana Krall release (first download track and cover art available tomorrow) for Verve Records. I mentioned that Audiogon has some devoted DK fans and he said he'd love to get any feedback that anyone might provide. So any comments (music, artwork, etc.) are appreciated.


I agree with Tomcy6 - keep on with the trio. Clayton is superb. Maybe with some lesser known standards - something more edgy.
The music business, and the entertainment business in general is more visual and beauty oriented than it was years ago. Her album art suggests that she trades on her looks. I am sure that is part of the reason for her success. She is not alone in this. Pop music is totally like this and it is even beginning to creep into classical music. Esp among female solo artists. A lot of mega talented stars from the past would not have a chance of breaking into the music today. Not trashing Miss Krall, she is just a product of the times. And I am sure she makes a good living, so all is well.
"Her piano playing is her week(?) point." ... good grief, where do these comments come from?
A lot opinions so far. I rather like her music partnership with Elvis Costello. I find the music interesting with a different flavor. In regards to the quality of the recordings, I'm sure a lot of folks would want to have Tommy LiPuma and Al Schmitt produce and record / mix their music with Doug Sax as the mastering engineer. I would expect nothing less than outstanding sonics from this trio.
07-04-12: Pat70
Here's the first song available from her new album:


I listened to this track - 1 minute out of 4:08. That's all I could stand of this song! :( It was quite horrible honestly.
And, I do like DK but I think that she's done for a long time now. IMO her best album was her debut album "Steppin' Out" & then I also like her "When I look in your Eyes". I have a few more albums of her incl. The Girl in the other ROom but those are quite average music-wise.
I think the music industry discovered that they could make her a "babe" & sell her looks & average music. It's working so far! But I think that she's capable of much more but it might not be fare that sells well hence the music industry will not 'allow' her to make/create that sort of music. Yeah, I have to agree that her later albums have no soul - she's a cold beauty, aloof.
Of course this is just my opinion. FWIW, YMMV.