How selective are you?

Unless someone is a big classical music fan, I am always amazed by the fact that many have thousands of LPs and cds.
With classical music, you can sometimes have a hundred copies of the same composition performed by different musicians in different places.
As an example, I like fusion era Miles. For my taste, absolutely best albums from that time are Bitches Brew and Pangaea. And that's exactly what I have, just these two because everything else from him after it is either much weaker or just junk.
Or take Pink Floyd. Wish You Were Here and Dark Side are the best, so I have them. The Wall is OK, I don't have it, and the rest is just not worth it at all.
Deep Purple. Machine Head and maybe Live in Japan, that's all, though I think that Demon's Eye from Fireball is a great song.
Why listen to what is worse along with what is better? To make "better" even better by comparizon?
I think that there is no good music, classical aside, for thousands of titles though there are many good songs scattered in many albums. Maybe some keep many titles because of one or two songs, I don't know.
I have a huge rack of LP's that could serve as "frizbies", for all the playing they get; which is none. When we had to buy LP's based on what we derived from the information on the cover, I made a lot of mistakes; and that includes very well known artists.

Some of us have more exclusive taste than others.
well back in the days you could only buy vinyl so as Orpheus says it were a lot mistakes in buyin and experiment with you get all on im thankfull to digital age becuz i easyer come to many different materials witch i could separate good from the bad not wasting the money on blind buyin of albums...95% of albums i have on vinyl are masterpieces of many different genre of music by my taste...some are really expensive paid some are cheap but i knew what i was buyin...and i have to collect bout 200 more LPs to finish collection...for rest theres allways pc...
The ability to pre-screen is nice but is only part of the equation... it doesn't do much to increase the likelihood that people will expand their horizons or develop good sensory equipment as listeners, (highly selective can mean highly F.O.S.). There are lots of us who will work like hell to maintain the i like what i know and i know what i like cycle. Opinions that express confidence in assigning relative artistic merit often reek mightily.