...and now a word from your anti-sponsor...

"...the whole artifice of recording. I see it like this: a voice into a microphone onto a tape, onto your CD, through your speakers is all as illusory and fake as any synthesizer—it doesn't put Thom in your front room—but one is perceived as 'real' the other, somehow 'unreal'... It was just freeing to discard the notion of acoustic sounds being truer." - Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead.

Personally, I couldn't agree more.
I think this thread is about a nonsensical statement made by Johnny Greenwood, and Ghosthouse being impressed enough by it to post it here.
I think this is all about personal taste. One person likes strawberry and another likes chocolate. Just like what you like without dogging the other guy.

I love Radiohead but their music sounds so compressed I can't listen to it.
You know how many people use acoustic music to determine how close to reality the music sounds in their listening room. Well, I am going out on a limb, not sure, but Johnny's convoluted thought might be a statement that all recorded music does not approach reality and that he dismisses the notion that acoustic music can sound closer to reality. Keep in mind, Johnny's main source is the IPOD!
Chadnliz - I believe so. I'd love to hear it and it should be easier to reproduce on recordings, on some level, since it's source is speakers and you can purchase every speaker model that they use.
My paretns used to live 20 miles from NYC, I sorta wish thry did simply to see and hear that organ. My father studied and played pipe organs for years and we both would get a huge kick out of atleast experiencing that setup.