I know this has probably been discussed...

But I can't seem to find the answer to this question:

If most if not all recordings are done digitally now, doesn't that defeat the purpose of vinyl?

If someone could point me to the thread/s on this subject I'd be most grateful.
Aren't some new recordings done on analog tape or has everything gone digital?
As a side note it was refreshing to hear Dan D'Agostino acknowledge during a recent web interview that vinyl yields far greater bandwith than digital. Vinyl lives!


"I came up in Kansas City when the joints were runnin' full blast from 9pm to 5 am. Usual pay was $1.25 a night, although somebody special like Count Basie could command $1.50." - Charlie Parker
If you really think about it, the purpose of vinyl is to provide a recorded medium for those that prefer to listen to music on a turntable, that's it!