New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
Rwwear, I had high hopes for the Blu Ray.
The BD sound quality on this disc is just ok.
But, not as good as some of my SACD's, DVD-A's and some CD's.
The Tom Petty Music itself has a few keepers, but many are dogs. IMHO.
you're welcome, srwooten. for the record, i meant "succinct" (which i inexcusably misspelled, btw) in the complimentary, "compact precise" sense, as opposed to the "being girded" sense, mainly because i'm not sure what "girded" means....
She's The One. Nice golf shot there, Loomis. My favorite TP album. Very under-rated. Love the loose feel.

Kind of underwhelmed with Mojo. Maybe it is just me, but it is not growing on me. I find I have been more focused on the new Exile on Main Street rather than his new album. Love the grungey feel of Exile and superb playing over many genres (gospel, blues, country, rock)--forgot how great an album that one was. Mojo has those moments, but in spurts.
Agree with Shadorne that Mike Campbell is very tasteful player--wished he would pull a Keith from time to time and really drive a song.
For me Petty's main limitation is as a lyricist. So many cornpone daddys, mamas, devils moonshine. More self-pity than blues when suffering meaness, hurt & the high cost of living. So much runnin' from the law in flashes of freedom that feel more like California angst along the worn-out path of '70s Eagles. The musical arrangements and playing on Mojo have the high style and rootsy poise of Dylan's last few. And of course Petty can't escape his vocal similarity to Dylan. However as a lyricist he always suffers in the comparison and reads like a sheep in wolf's clothing.