Alan Parsons: Original or Remastered CDs?

I'm in the market for a few Alan Parsons CDs, and I'm trying to figure out whether I should seek out the originals or the remasters. Any thoughts from members who have heard both?
The originals are lackluster. I never bought many of them because the vinyl sounded so much better. The vinyl still sounds better but the remasters are closer with much improved bass and clarity. I think all of the early AP stuff sounds just a little bright and still does remastered, just not as bad.
Can any of you Alan Parsons fans identify this song for me (name and album)? It is a song about the death of a friend.
I believe the song you are looking for is called "Time", on the album, Turn of a Friendly Card. It is gorgeous.
I'm listening to I Robot for the first time right now, what a great album. I can't believe I was hesitant to buy it after hearing the 30-second track samples.