Top 2009 recordings

This is a bit late, but indulge me if its been covered. Looking back at last year I realized I didn't do enough listening for a variety of lame reasons, mostly starting with a "w". My resolution this year is to find at least one new recording a week for 2010 so that won't happen again. However, I still missed a bunch from last year. So what are your favorite recordings released last year?
Neko Case - Middle Cyclone, preferably on Vinyl, second on Wilco - The album

Beatles reissues.
Cab 3
Alice In Chains...don't like the second cut though
Don't think I even purchased anything else besides older stuff at thrift stores/pawn shops. I really have a diverse taste in music but nothing strikes my fancy lately.
Antony and the Johnsons - The Crying Light (as others have mentioned)
The Antlers - Hospice
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
various/artists - Dark Was The Night (great compilation disc with proceeds going to charity)