Longest continuous playing songs

I like (and looking for) continuous playing music, it could be one song or a group of songs that play uninterrupted, the longer, the better. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks for any suggestions,

If you like rock, try The Allman Brothers, from "Eat a Peach", Mountain Jam is 33:40 long. Also by the Allman Bros., "At Fillmore East", which is live. 2 LP's, or discs. You Don't Love Me plays for 19:06. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed plays 12:46. Whipping Post plays 22:40. The whole thing is like being there for the whole gig. Great listening.
Not sure if this is a "song" by your definition, but Morton Feldman's *Piano and String Quartet* is one movement and goes on for about 70 minutes or so.
when you burn a cdr make sure in the burning software that under preferences you check "disc at once" and/or make sure the 2 second gap between songs is unchecked. You will then have 80 min of uninterrupted music.
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick. Except for the flip, it's one song that's 43:50.